The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 19, 1936 PAGE THREE, PAIONESALLE BRIEFS DENT and Girls' Hi-Y Clubs. MEETING me Boys' High School. met' jointly Lane night- to complete their Monday thi district HAY meetfor' held here on March 13, lag to be 14 1. LATE the rtatement that the MAGAZINE year: book of Lane High school dudent would, not: have a Tristen this year, student the staff of magazine, t5: Tumble today that three nepa.

rate appeared, would be publishlisues, of which one, has al nady the year In 'daring years, the third Issue was included in the Jiterary, division of the book. UNIVAL FERVICES al are in progress the Pilgrim Holinese Church at Avenue: Monticello Read. Bintos. Rev. H.

H. Micheal. evange from Richmond, will deliver. each Bible this week. Rev.

Micheal was messages -at 7:30 o'clock, night. Armerty a resident of this city and in now pastor offa church in Richmond. He will be assisted in singing special music by' Miss Frances Massey from Shackelford, MOVING EQUIPMENT Lowis Wy. foreman for. the aid attract.

plant on Carlton Rod, Extended, has a large force it diebaaica busily engaged in down all copper tanks and pumps Baltimore. These parts will be preparatory for shipment to for loading within, the next 'days, Notated Mr. Wingfeld. HERE Lon James, formerly of the Core 4 neighborhood, but he has resided for the last several pear bear Crozet, passed the wick. and here with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank VasMonte Vista Avenue, Fry's Spring. PLATER SERVICE Rev. Dwight M. Chalmers will duct the regular weekly prayer at the Presbyterian.

Church at 1 d'elock, this evening. subwill be, "What was life like in mo Paul's churches," a study First Mr. Chaliners will also address the Taurday: morning 7 class CONTINUES SICK Mr. H. Hildebrand continues sick at the home of his son law and daughter, Mr.

and Mra: Jaba Saoddy, on Street. RETURNS HOME Paul Petty who has 'been patient la Stanley Hospital in AlN. has returned to her on the Stony Point Road. REPORTED IMPROVING Mre. Charile Palmer, who has quite sick in the University Kaspital his.

returned to her, home Chancellor -Street and. de 1m- proving THOMPSON ILL Mra. Thompson at the home ber daughter, Mrs. Stuart Ranckel, In the Preston Court Aperimenta. MASTOID OPERATION Bully Duke, son of Mr.

and Mrs. re Duke, had a mastoid maration at the Martha Jefferson Hospital yesterday. LAVES HOSPITAL Mrs. Hubert Blankenbaker, who been patient in the Martha Hospital for some: time, will retura to her home at town tomorrow. NOW RECOVERING Cree, who' has been 1 a.

patient in the Martha Jefferson Hospital for sometime. was able to the hospital yesterday. ACK AT. HOSE AL MA. Barclay River is sick at her home at Cobham: AID SOCIETY MEETING The Ladies of the Linton Avenue.


4 recommendation of the County Board $50 be appropriated to the Charlottesville" Fire Department and $200 towards volunteer department at Crozet was approved' this morning by the County Board of. Al bemarie County, at a regular meetting. The appropriation to: the Are department in recognition of the work of that organization In stopping the Are at the Crome, tecently. The $200 appropriation be effective only it a volunteer Are department la formed and thi rest of an estimated raised to build a tire A. proposal that the county match the city's appropriation of $150 to beetle: by treat.

ing soil in infected area: was proved. An- ipcrease In the health approx of $1,500 to make the placing of a training unit in the county, with a health ofticer, nurse. and clerk was. tentatively approv-ling ed, It was reported that such unit has been authorized for a Virginia county, the probability that. the Coverament.

will appropriate the Government's appropriation 8.0 a through. will. be appropriated by the county, W. 0 we authority to take steps to recover three docuAments taken from the County' courthouse which have been locat-1 ed In New Fork. One of the docu-1 mento 1s.

the marriage bond of Jefferson's daughter. A motion to double the approx priation of the County to Confederate Veterans living in the County. was approved It was decided to recommend to the Anance committee that, money on hand belonging to sinking fund, be invested in government bonds. The petition by the Albemarle Chapter of the Daughters "of the American Revolution that -Jefferson's will and other important dietorical documents be placed kin a Dre- proof show-case (was taken under advisem*nt. It was decided that the Board meet with: the School Board after the next regular meeting.

will meet at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the home of Airs? H. Ferguson; 331 Road, instead of 3 o'clock. CLUB MEETING SE Men's Club of the Presby. terian Church will meet at .6.30 o'clock tomorrow evening in 'the church annex. The speaker will be Dr.

Lawrence IT. Royster, of the medical faculty of, the University. The supper: will served by the ladies': circle of the POLICE COURT persons fined for drunkenness in Police Court today. The Latitudinarians was a school within the English: church in the latter half of the Seventeenth century, THINKS SELASSIE PRACTICAL RULER Italy Considerable Dis tance From Conquest of Nation, Says Speaker Vivid Ethiopia and Porto Rico, presented respectively by. George R.

Dillard, student at the University, and (John. Livers Charlottesville Rotar ian, at the regular meeting of the Rotary Club last night at the Hotel Monticello, Mr. Dillard included Ethiopia in the itinerary of pedtion through Africa: some years 18a and Mr. Livers his turned from. Porto Rico, part which trip was made by plane.

impressive word picture was Painted of Halle Selassie, by whom Mr. Dillard was entertained in Addis Ababa when the present cuter Ras Tarfari. The sketched the remarkably ancient history of the last independent in As evidence of the nation's antiquity, he said, it mentoned in. the Homeric poems and in the Bible, special references, being made to the country concernMoses and Jeremiah. Halle SeLassie claims direct descent from King Solomon the Queen of Sheba.

Mr. Dillard, after describing the topography and fauna of Ethiopia traced Ras Tafari's ascent to the throne by subduing two opposing civil factions in what was known as they "Palace of Revolt and obtaining the support of the Egypt. ian Church by purguading the of appoint mate of Relassle was that. he. is toe four Abyssinian bishops.

His eati1 progressive and practical ruler. Mr. Dillard expressed. the opinion that, despite the reverses of recent days, 1 Italy 1s still A. considerable tance from conquest.

of the tion. Mr. Livers diverting sketch of his: Porto Rican trip 'embraced colorful description of the West Indian Island, coupled with. amus ins personal The speakers were Introduced by President William B. Murphy, Among other business at the ing was a report by Hunter Faulconer on club's student.

loan fund the naming of committees on Boy Scout work. Mumps Safeguard OKLAHOMA Feb. -Police arrested Robert Johnson robbery, lavestigation, But no sooner had they closed in to question him than they' scatter leaving him to himself. Obituaries MISS. M.

F. MILLER Mary Elizabeth 87. for 60 years a beloved employee of Western State Hospital ton. died. at the home, of her i er at Grottoes, after brief illness of pneumonia following period of' ill health.

She was great daughter of Henry Miller, founder of the Shasy Furnace, brother, Richard T. Miller survives The funeral was held at the home and interment was la Mt. Horeb Cemetery. Miss Miller was an aunt of Bernard T. Parrot, of this A R.

Allyn Robinson Gardner, a native of Charlottesville, but for 30 years foreman" for the National Paint and Manganese: Company In Lynchburg. died Friday at Memorial Hospital a brief Winesas He was 66 old. He president of the Men's Bible cland of Fairs low Methodist a member of the Mars ball Lodze of Masons. One daughter, Mrs. J.

Wylie of Lynchburg survives. AIRS. J. T. BLATON Obituaries NEWPORT NEWS.

Feb, 19-tT -Funeral services for Mrs. Helen. Von Lahn: wife of. Dr. "Joseph T.

Burton, who died at the Elizabeth Buxton Hospital yesterday afternoon after an of two weeks, will be conducted. this afternoon. Mra. Buston, native of Elizabeth, came here in 1899 -fole lowing her marriage to Dr. ton, head of the hospital.

and one of the State's leading surgeons. Mrs. Buxton had been prominently connected with church and civie, work here, CHARLES N. NEWPORT NEWS, Fob, 19 -UP) -Charles Norman Perking, 67, reured educator, died last night at the home of his: son, Herbert Perkins, at Hampton Institute. Mr.

Porkine was born in. Brooks villa, Oct. He gradualed Colby, college in class of 1893. He Immediately 'embarked in the held of teaching and was well. known on a' Now England educator.

The body will be taken by train. tonight to North Paris, where Anal rites will be held Friday. MRS. JOHN TABB Mira. Mary James Tabba widow of John Tabb.

died recently at her thome, "Summeryille," In Gloucester. after a two year's Illness. Mrs. Tabb was born in Richmond, Kept and was the daughter of Joseph Sheppard and Martha Curtis James, of Glouces to Rink was a $100 seemed so much I was afraid I could' never pay it friend told me you lend cash to people who are working. I came to you.

Got the money I needed and it's so easy to repay, I don't know why I was ever afraid." We lend up to $300 to single and married people on their own signatures and give 20 months to repay, so if you heed cash, come in TODAY. Over 303 McCrory's East Broad be 10c Street Store 3 Citizens Small Loan Richmond, 2-9081 Society of Richmond, Inc. Scagram's Crown Blended (Whiskies fore bruin $1.00 $1.25 pER PER PINT PINT Crown Whiskey Seagram's "83" Bottled in Bond 1.75 UNDER CANADIAN Five Years Old. PINT liter County, She four John' and Warner Tabb, of New York City. Joseph Mary Lee Tabb i of Gloucester, and.

two' grandchit: dren. Thaddeus Du Val dr 'of Philadelphia and 'John Tabb Du Val of Gloucester. FUNER AI. RITES FOR PEARES SMITH Aubriet funeral service for Z. Smith: who died at the Unirer-.

Hospital after an line nearly three weeks, was held from his late, 109 Lexington Avenue, Monday afternoon, 1 o'clock, being conducted by the Rev, Edwin S. Sweeney, pactor of the Christian Church, assisted by Rev. W. A. pastor of the Hinton Avenue, Methodist Church The body was conveyed to Mount Paian Methodist near Quinqut, here interment made In the cemetery adjacent to the church.

The services at-. the grave were conducted by the Ray, L. Hase, pastor of that church. The flowers were borne by the ladies: Ha Wright, Mre. Leo.

Johnson, Ennis Gilbert, Bob Ready. Mi ha. William Morria, R. La Hisermin, Miss Evelyn Coney and Mias Aclive were the fol.

lowing: R. N. Stephens, Capt. W. Coffey.

John A Welle, Lao Johnson, Harry Wright and Bill Newman. Despite the heavy downpour of rain and the almost Impassable condition of the roads in that 10- cality, there- was a large outpount friends and relatives payt tribute of respect: to Mr. Smith. Mr 'smith In County on June 8. 1451.

and mar ried. Mary Smith en Octn bes 8. He moved. his family to -this city thirteen where he trented until he death. Surviving Sinith ate hie wife two daughter.

Dutift. of' Rio; and Mre St -this tit* four Malcolm Jones of Washington J. 0. Violet. A and P.

Duffer Rio, and grandchild Mason TAPPAUANNOCK, Funeral services for C. 71 bust ness man lot County who died yesterday were clock thie afternoon with ment at Trinity Episcopal Church native Mr. mutt moved: years and engaged in the and farmini He was director of the Bank of located Ale da survived by him widow. .1 second marriage. and by and three daughters by his Arst martiage The childien Capt.

CA Wach muth, of bannock; Henry Wachs muth, of Brays, Mri Leonard of Jamestown: Mra 1 Davis, of Courtland. and Mira G. Hudson, of Brays -JOSEPH A. DUNG Funeral rites Tor, Joseph Arthur Young. son of the late.

George Alexande Young. were held Harrisonburg seaterday. Mr. Young was a of Alhemarte County and was born. and rained In the Greenwood lie was p*rn Feh.

14-1879. lie died. Saturday, MA Young IN conhosinosa then: He the hump but Inter" hie Me in win Key he four. brothers aunt two and of R. 3 And of Rotunson Of limitson burt And Mya Fist Train' railed WOOSTER.

O', Seven pullman care of west passenger "train No. Tamped the: track. at Rottere ville. mica east of bore today. but remained upright.

Arty passengers In Cause of the derailment immediately ascertained. The pa were transferred 16 anoth bound grain. c. 1 Just Unpicked! 36-Incli Dress Linens 59 yd. We've just received a lovely assortment of dress linens, It is a fine quality.

closely woven dress linen and comes in the following colors: Nary, brown, pink, rose, nile, natural, aqua- -and black and white. Now on display, first floor! C. H. WILLIAMS CO. "OUR WORD IS.


Adult 25c GLYCERINE. ROSE 14c (With Dispenser). Prophylactic Tooth Brushes VICK'S NOSE DROPS 21c 53c 25c GOLDEN GLINT SHAMPOO: 160 COLGATE SOAP 6 cakes 29c 30c Size 39c Black 25c1 $1.00 IONIZE YEAST TAB. Bromo Seltzer DRAUGHT 23c 13c LET US EXPLAIN HOW YOU COMPLETE SET 25c Dr. West's 40c Genuine MAY GET A FLETCHERS OF THIS FINE CHINA I TOOTH PASTE CASTORIA ROYAL CHINA 14c 29c SQUIBB'S 75c Fitch MINERAL FULL Dobells PINT.

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QUININE DURING co*cktail Hour from 21c THEATRICAL to 5 o'clock, Hot DripCold Cream full lb. 69c. olated Coffee, Sand. wich (any kind) Asper-Guni $1.00 SIZE 19c4 Beef Iron Wine 59c Try Timberlake's Rich Delicious: Full Flavored Ice Cream! Timberlake's Drug Store Cash "The Original Cut Rate Drug Store" No Delivery 3..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.