Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)

NORWICH BULLETIN, FRIDAY, AUGUST lQ 1917 The Henry Allen Son Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS LADY ASSISTANT All Calls Answered Promptly Day and Night 88 Main Street WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU Team Harness Ore at $50.00 which is a good bargain. A new light weight Water-proof AUTO ROSE at THE CHAPMAN CO. it. EATB 8TREET.

NORWICH, CT. AlAm CLOCKS all all prices at THE WM. FRISWELL CO. and if Franklin Street JOSEPH BRADFORD BOOKBINDER Blank Becks Mads and Ruled to Order 1CS BROADWAY DR. A.

J. SIN AY entist Rooms 18-19 Alice Building, Norwich Phono 1177-3 WILLIAM C. YOUNG Successor to STETSON TOTXXQ CARPENTER and BUILDER Best work and materials at right prices by skilled labor. Telephone 60 West Main St DEL-HOFF HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN HAYES BROS, Props, telephone 1227 26-28 Broadway DR. R.

CHAMBERLAIN Dental Surgeon McGrcry Building, Norwich. Conn. Overhauling and Repair Work OF ALL KINDS ON AUTOMOBILES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, TRUCKS and CARTS, Meehanieal Repairs, Painting, Trim-ling, Upholstering and Wood Work. Blacksmithing in all its branch. Scott Clark Corp.

507 to 515 North Main St. CAVE WELDING MFG. CO. oloKoMle ana HackUc Part Welded. Garag-e work a Speelaltr.

Work Guaranteed. 81 Cbewniut. St. Tel. 314.

DR. E. J. JONES Suite 46 Shannon Building Tak9 elevator Shetucket Stree: entrance. Phone NOTICE DEAD HORSES AND COWS Removed Free of Charge tail 163 New London.

Ask for Cha. Reverse charqe. WEST SIDE rilDK CO. O. Box 379.

New London THE PALACE 78 Franklin Street P. SHEA JOHN A. DUNNl Our Saponaceous Tooth Powder, 25c tught to be sprinkled en your tooth inish. It's the Tooth Powder de luxe. Druggist, 50 Main Street American Houoo Special Rates to Theatre Troupes, Traveling Men, Eta, Livery Connection r.

8hatucket 8trt FARREL SANDERSON, Props. THERE is no advert'sics medium la las tern Connecticut equal to The Bui lila for cuainees results. Norwich, Friday, Aug. 10, 1917. THE WEATHER.

Condition. Pressure is low in Atlantic coast states and the pressure conditions all over the country are rapidly approaching the summer type. A general shower condition has overspread the middle Atlantic and New England states. The weather will clear Friday in Atlantic coast districts, with slightly lower temperatures. Saturday and Sunday probably will be fair, with moderate temperature.

The winds along- the north Atlantic coast will be moderate northwest to west: middle Atlantic, gentle west to noFthwest. Forecast. i Northern New England: Faray cloudy Friday, with occasional inunaer showers; Saturday fair. Southern Xew England: Thunder rhowerg Friday, followed by fair and somewhat cooler Friday; Saturday fair. Eastern Xew York: Partly cloudy and somewhat cooler Friday: Saturday fair, with moderate temperature.

Ooservations in Norwich. The following records, reported from Sevin's pharmacy, show the changes in temperature and the baromcric changes Thursday: Tner. 7 a. To 12 74 p. 74 Highest 7S.

lowest 70. Comparisons. Bar. 30.15 30.02 30.00 Predictions for Thursday Thunder showers. Thursday's weather: Showers, distant thunder.

with Sua, Mmtb and Ttdea. Ij Sun II High fl Moon II Rises, i Sets, li Water. Rises. Iay. 'I a.

m. i p. m. li a. m.

1 1 p. m. 4.47 7. PI 12.14 8.42 7 4.48 7.00 0.41 9.13 I 4.49 6.38 ij 1.3 i 0.47 9 4. SO i 2.82 10.24 1 4.51 fi.55 3.35 11.

"7 11 4.52 6.S4 ii 6.43 11.56 12 4.53 I 6.53 i 5.52 Morn. Six hours after high water it is low tide, which is followed by flood tide. GREENEVILLE Many Rejected by Physicians for National Army First Wearors of Buttons Showing Exemption Personals and Notes. There wore a number of local youngr men examined by the physicians of the examining; board for the selective draft Thursday, but the majority of those, physically qualified claimed exemption. Only a few of the boys got by the strict physical examination although they thought themselves to be the possessors of perfect physiques.

Thursday the first of the little metal buttons issued to the men who are exempt by reason of physical disability made their appearance in the village-. The buttons are about a half an inch in diameter and have on them the word exempt and the letters T. S. Personals and Note. Joseph Fraser is spending a week at Pleasant Aiew.

William McKnight is visiting ties on Central avenue. Mrs. William and daughters, Doris, of Prospect street are visiting at Xi-antic and Poquonnoe bridge. Misses Helen Prodell and Agnes Fleming- are visiting with Miss Alice Beetham of Wauwecus Hill. TAFTVILLE Arthur Dufour First Taftville Boy to Be Accepted for National Army British-American War Relief Personals and Notes.

Thursday the first Taftville bay was accepted for the new na'ional army. He is Arthur Dufour. After passing the examination he did not. as most of the other candidates, claim exemption. He has been invited to drill with the Home guard at the armory Tuesday evening.

By getting this military training he has a chance for appointment as corporal in the new army. The little metal buttons showing that the wearer ha3 been exempted for physical disability are beginning to make their appearance in the village. British-American War Relief. The report of the British -American war relief for the week ending Aug. 4 follows: Previously "acknowledged, 8486.60: collections for the week ending Aug.

4, $17.45: total collections to date, 3504.05. The members of the local chapter of the British American War Relief fund will hold a meeting In the rooms of the Taftville Football and Social fiub next Monday evening for the discussion, of important business. The chapter has collected over five hundred dollars for the relief of our aliens since the beginning of the war. Camping at Groton Long Point. Joseph Fletcher, Herbert Renard and Carl fClose are camping for a week at Groton Long Point.

Personals and Notes. Robert Deehefy spent Thursday with frienda in the Earl May and Irving Havens spent Wednesday in Xew London. Mrs. A. F.

Green of West Town street was a recent visitor in the village. THREE SUITS WITHDRAWN. Were Brought Against Compressed Air Company by Town of Norwich. Three suits brought by the town of Norwich against the Norwich Compressed Air company 'were withdrawn from the superior court on Thursdav. were brought for recoverv on taxes due the town from the compressed air cqmpany.

Meriden. Arthur Xeveu. an emplove at the Meriden postofflce for the past 27 years and at present serving as registry- and money order clerk, has notified Postmaster -Fenders of his intention to resign. GAGER Funeral Director and Embalmer Prompt service day or night Tel. C42-2.

Lady Assistant ELEVEN MEN ACCEPTED THURSDAY Local Board Finds it Necessary to Send Out a Second Call in Order to Fill Norwich QuotaEleven Claims for Exemption and One Appeal Filed Thursday Sixteen Found Physically Disqualified by Physicians. THOSE ACCEPTED FOR SERVICE ON THURSDAY idward Klrby D. D. coin Avenue. 57 Lin- George Albert.

Ladd 44 Boswell Avenue. Prank A. Wilcox, R. F. 152 wich Town, lohn Henry Mclntyre, Broad Street.

Henry Louis Plants, 83 Palmer Street. Arthur Dufour. 28 South Taft- ville. C. Zdanciewicz, 43 Spring: Street.

J. M. Murphy. 132 Boswell Avenue. Michael J.

Aldi. 96 Chestnut Street. Adelard LaFlesh, Versailles. Ellis Taylor, 366 Central Avenue. Eleven men, physically qualified and claiming no exemption were' accepted for service in the X'ational Army by the local examining board on Thursday.

One of these eleven, Henry L. Plante. is a member of the Norwich Fire Department. In all twenty-three men qualified physically on Thursday, but eleven of these made claim for exemption, and one took an appeal from the physician's finding. With the exception of one case the claims for exemption were made by men with dependents.

The other claim for exemption was made by George H. Watrous of Gales Ferry on grounds of religious scruples. He passed th physical examination but made claim for exemption as he is a Quaker and does not believe in warfare. The appeal was taken by Constantine Pap-yis of 20 Central avenue. ore Claim Exemption.

The following qualified physically, but entered claims for exemption: James A dependents. Edward Cartright Stanton, dependents. Clinton B. F. Brown.

Gales Ferry, dependents. Edward H. Kane, 39 Sixth Street, dependents. Walter Maximowica, 179 West Main Street, dependents. Harold Kaseowitz.

11 Peck Street, dependents. George H. Watrous. Gales Ferry, religious scruples. James Leo Sullivan, 106 Summit Street.

L. V. Street. Daniel Street. Kingsley 43S Bast Main F.

Curran, 201 Rockwell Charles E. Knouse, Watrous Avenue, dependents. Those Physically Disqualified. Those listed Thursday as physical-lly disqualified for service were as follows: IiOuis Barnett Lear. 44 Laurel Hill.

William Avery Gallup. K. F. D. Xo.

2. J. Burton Young. Rock Glen. Felix McMahon, 6 Durfey.

Walter Oldread. Henry Charles Herring, 115 Mount Pleasant Street. Kichard S. R. F.

Xo. 6. Paul M. A. Brucksch ,14 Murray Avenue.

Harry Hildebrand 119 High Street. Michael James Barry, 455 Xorth Main Street. Herman Feltcorn. 51 Washington Washington Street. John T.

Keeley. 12 Hickory. Robert Deshefey. Norwich Town. Thomas C.

Chase, 124 McKiniey Avenue. James Henry Frink, 353 West Main Main Street. HOT WAVE COSTLY IN EGG CONTEST Total Yield Dropped from 3,390 Last Week. 3,800 to week's hot wave cost the laying contest at Storrs just 400 eggs. The corresponding week last year the hens actually gained a little, whereas in the 40th week of the present contest the total vield dropped from approximately 3,800 to 3,390 eggs.

Three pens of Leghorns were in the first three places for the week. The William L. Gilbert Home pert from Winsted, was first with a yield yield of 54 eggs. F. M.

Peasley's pen from Cheshire. was very close second with 53 eggs, while the pen entered by M. J. Quackenbush, X. came in for third place with 5t eggs to their credit.

The three monthly prizes for July were all awarded to the Leghorn pens. The blue ribbon or first prize goes to Windsweep Farm, Redding Ridge, Conn. The second prize ribbon for the month was won by F. M. Peasley's birds from Cheshire, and the third prize ribbon was awarded to A.

P. Robinson, Calverton. X. T. Poultry people have lately talked more about the high price of feed than auy other one thing.

This, however, is a disturbing factor only when the hr.s do not lay. In the contest each pen of 19 birds averaged to lay during July 14 1--4 dozen eggs that sold for an average price of 42 1-2 cents a dozen. This means that the gross in come from each pen from the sale of eggs amounted t6 38.05. whereas each pen averaged to consume 77 pounds of feed worth about $3 at the present market price. The three best pens In each of the principal varieties are as follows: Barred Plymouth Rocks.

Peri. 6 Fairfields Poultry Farms, Short Falls, X. 1680 1 'Merritt M. Clark, Brookfield Center, Conn 1457 2 Michigan Poultry Farm, Lan sing, Mich 1410 White Wyandottes. IS Merrythought Farm, Columbia, Conn 1515 19 Joseph Moreau, Wallum Lake, R.

I 1361 20 Obed G. Knight, Bridgeton, R. I 136! Rhode Island Reds. 47 Allan's Hard to Beat Reds, Farm! St. Newport.

R. I. 37 Hillview Poultry Albans, Vt 43 George W. Harris Conn. 1573 1458 1445 Westport, White Leghorns.

Robinson, Calverton, X. 73 A. P. T. 1815 60 J.

O. LeFevre, X. Xew Paltz, 1632 80 Hilltop Poultry Tards, Srffield, Conn 1617 Miscellaneous. 31 Cloyes Sullivan (Buff Wy-. andottes).

Hartford, 1485 10 Holliston Hill Poultry Farm (Wrdte Rocks), Holliston Hill, Mass 143 5 Obed G. Knight (White Orpingtons), Bridseton. R. 1383 Claims aa Aliens The following made claim for exemption on grounds that they are resident aliens: Dominick A. Belleview, 35 Fifth Street.

George Angela Ginn, 80 Thames Street. "Benjamin Goldberg. S6 Spring Street. Peter Damaskas. 17 Elm Street.

Stanislau Ignatezuk, 1 North Street. Panaquitis Andrea-Morris Huffman, 61 Fairmount Street. Balelelan Luckowskt, 9 Summit Street. Felix Olzeuski. 16 Roath Street.

Frank Alvis, 164 Talman Street. A Szuborsky, Taftville. Frank Landron William Chenette Hunter's Avenue. With less tnan thirty men accepted for service out of the 240 men called last week the board finds It necessary to send out a second call, probably today (Friday) or Saturday. Whether another 240 or 400 will be called has not been officially announced.

Regarding courses for men in the officers' training camp if drafted. Governor "Holcomb has been requested by the provost marshal-general to transmit the following instruction to the local boards: "First. Upon receipt of notice to appear for physical examination before a local board a candidate in a reserve officers' training camp may procure from his commanding officers a certificate that he has been physically examined by the military authorities and has been found fit for military service. Instead of making personal appearance before the board he may file a cer tificate. Upon receipt ef such certificate the local board will record him and hereafter treat him as one called and physically qualified for military service, and if no claim of exemption or discharge by or respect of such person is filed the name will be certified to the district board on Form as that of a person called and not exempted or discharged.

Must Obtain Certificate. "Second. If the candidated is appointed as a commissioned officer after he has been ordered to report to a local board for examination, but before he Is called as a drafted man to report to a local board for military duty and for transportation to a mobilization camp, he should obtain from his commanding officer a certificate in duplicate that he has been appointed. He should forward one such certificate to the local board and forward the other to the adjutant general of the state. In such case the local board will be given credit on its quota for one man and should present the certificate of appointment to the mobilizaion camp in lieu of a drafted man.

The adjutant of the state will give the proper local board credit for one drafted man and will present the other certificate to the provost marshal-general at. the time of final accounting for quotas for the State in lieu of a drafted man. Must Report to Board. "Third. If the candidate is not commissioned before being ordered to report to his local, board for military duty and for transportation to a mobilization camp, then he must so report ro his local board unless by orders from the War Department he is authorized to report for military duty to the commanding officer of a training camp, in which case an official copy of the order will be furnished to the local board and to the adjutant general of the State.

Upon receipt of this order the local board will be credited on its quota with one drafted man upon presentation of such order in lieu of a drafted man. MERCHANTS' BUREAU HAS ADOPTED "RETURN" RULES No Article Will be Accepted Unless In Its Original Condition. The following rules, regarding the returning of merchandise to stores, were adopted by the Merchants' Bureau of the Chamber of Commeree at a recent meeting: Any article of merchandise which, for some good reason, is to be returned to a store, must be returned within a reasonable time two business days. Xo article will be accepted for return unless it is in its original condition. Xo merchandise of any kind which has been used will be accepted for return.

The sales check must accompany all returned merchandise. Gifts of all kinds (Christmas, wedding, birthday, etc.) if returned, will be accepted only in exchange for other merchandise, and will be credited on the account of the person receiving the gift. Gifts may be returned for exchange at current prices only. The following articles for legal, sanitary, or other reasons cannot be accepted for return: Bedding and mattresses. Garments that have been altered for the purchaser.

Shoes which have been altered. Combs, hair brushes and tooth brushes. Hair goods, hair ornaments and veils. Rubber goods sundries. -Women's hats which have been made specially to the customer's order, or which have been worn.

All goods cut from the piece at the reqnest of the customer. All merchandise wnich has been made to order or specially ordered, and which is not regularly carried in stock. THE FIFTH INSTALLMENT. Names of Drafted Men Whose Ordee Numbers Run From 1334 ta 1694. The fifth installment of the Norwich draft list which is being published in The Bulletin daily is as follows: 1334 931 Antonas Ulcickas, 180 Bos well avenue 1335 -1998 Ernest J.

Ouellet, 393 Cen tral avenue 1336 290S Vincent Gryskiewycx, 26 Sherman street 1337 2260 Peter C. B. Schaeffer, 334 'Washington street 1338 1013 Foster H. Shea, 68 She tucket street 1339 1042 Timothy F. Sullivan, 57 Summit street 1340 2219 Joseph Sakowski his' mark, 91 Thames street 1341 2368 John Joseph Kozlowski, 4 Central avenue 1342 449 Peter Lmos, 275 North Main street 1343 1241 Joseph MekalaJc, LAurel Hill road, R.

F. D. Xo. 1344 41 Israel Ragoyin, 158 West Main street 1345 2146 Walter Jackson, 450 Main street 13481874 George Brohan, 51 Bath Street 1347 2327 A. C.

Kleindienst, 14 Cliff street. 1348 4 Charles J. Riordan. 1M Orchard street. 1349 Frank Rlfccardt, 81 Thames street.

1850 Ul Jn ranker. 155.. Weet Town street. 1JH (46 Giacondo Di 64 Xorth Main street. 13B2 1959 John Lawrence Donovan, 139 Washington street.

Igtt J249 John Patrick Shea. 516 North Main street. 13J4 127 Hamiedas Turcott, IT. C. T.

185 1086 Leo W. Sharnskl, 1 Sherman street. 13S 1481 James Francis McManus, 21 Maple Grove avenue. Itn 1S4J John George Boyantiio, S44 Franklin street. 13-58 6g Bertram Beneatet Bailey, Tantic.

MO 88 George F. King, 44 Lafayette street. 1369 2518 Abe Frank (per F. L. HutchinS), R.

F. D. No. 7. 1361 190 Jan Baranowski, 158 Central avenue.

1862 2127 Konetantin Katurko, 4 Second street. -1363 1494 Albert Charles McNulty, 67 Prospect street. 1864 1797 Michael Budeinski. 37J Asylum street. 1345 1974 Guy A.

Sullivan, 1 Slater avenue. 13661518 Frank A. D. Cilley, 187 Franklin street. 18-J7 2169 Herman A.

Johnson, 39 relief trt Ijgg 74s Daniel Leo Devine, cor. No. Main and Sixth streets. 13j 827 Joseph Frank Dombroweki, 74 Oak street. 1870 1242 John J.

Miller, 51 Washing-- mm mtrmmit 1371 1903 Albert J. Barry, 56 South street. 1372 2252 Andrew Snyder Chls mark), 834 Xorth Main street. 1378 1038 Samuel Silverman, street. 1374 1386 John X.

Paneras, 16 Main street. 1875 74 John Yates, 59 Washintrton street. 1376 473 Albert J. Mulhollar.d, Nor wich avenue. 1377 1683 Calabresco Cosimo, 96 High street.

1378 1614 Lerov Lincoln Dean, 90 Cliff street. 1379 287 George M. Wilson. 59 Eliza beth street. 1889 5I James Tomas Morrison, 23-9 Xorth Main street.

1381 269 Milton Kelly Whltten, 151 Washingt6n street. 1382 252 71 Spring street. 1383 5.27 William Martin, 556 North Main street. 1884 2629 M. Houck, 195 Cliff street.

1385 254 John J. White, 156 West Town street. J735 Benjamin Goldfarb, 88 Washington street. 137 Harry William Sabrowski, 314 Boswell avenue. 1388 S451 Lionel R.

Bthler, 351 Cen-. tral avenue. 1389 446 Paul Lucki. 5-9 Thames street. 1390 1888 Michael Bandylo, 32 1-2 'South street.

1391 9 Charles H. Roessler, 187 Laurel Hill avenue. 1392 2354 Stephen Kotches, 15 Bush- nell street. 1393 1726 William Henry Counterman, Yantic. 1394 2902 Vincent Guglietto, 54 Xorth Main street.

1395 1137 Frank Gabriel SnurkOwski, 105 Hobart avenue. 1396 222 Myies E. Standish. 52 Asy lum street. 1397 932 Howard Turner Upton, 7 Tenth street.

138 H04 Alex Mierzijenskl, 39 Sixth street. 1399 1377 Marcuccio Pracenzo, 328 Franklin street. 1499 803 George Albert Chase, 124 McKinlev avenue. 1401 358 Charles A. Levin.

251 Main street. 1402 451 Eugene Larallee, 21 1-2, Xorth A street. 1403 2877 Harry Lewis Hyde, Hyde place. R. F.

D. Xo. 3. 1464 745 John Banas, 14 Sherman street. 1405 Theodore Baker Kelsey, 124 McKiniey avenue.

3 494 573 Anthony Miskiel. 63 Tenth street. 1407 1789 Robert Champlain Burdick, 109 Xorth street. 1498 1742 Frank thrown. Occum.

1409 H37 Robert A. Stevenson, 14 St. Regis avenue. 1419 1194 Albert Strenkowski, 89 Mt. Pleasant street.

1411 2525 Anthonl Fredryk, 52 St. Regis avenue. 1412 30S Savine Lambarelli, 316 Franklin- street. 1413 429 Albert Labarre, Hunt er's avenue. 1414 1833 Abraham Curland, 8 Higti street.

1415 173 Raymond Clark Brittin, 46 Geer avenue. 1414 1451 Daniel J. McCormick, 107 Boswell avenue. 1417 13S3 Sam Faahkewish, 378 North Main street. 1418 17S7 John Crowe.

51 Peck street. 1419 2103 Reuben Kadish, 89 Mechan ic street. 14292950 Gilbert Rogers, R. F. D.

No. 1. 1421 2164 Carl Axel Johnson, Carver avenue. 1422 2709 Guastamacchia Giovanni, 192 High street. 1423 2941 'Stanislaw Okunleski, 86 Sixth street.

1241329 Pavel Kinkevich (his mark). 24 Second street. 14232341 Stanlev Koosic (couldn't write), 238 Tantic street. 1426 2114 John Kasaliaris, 154 West M4in street. 1427 1498 Chester A.

Chapman, 237 Mt. Pleasant street. 1428 1459 John Joseph McGrath, 64 Twelfth street. 149 2291 Edward- Morris Kendall, 19 Page street. 1489 2257 Zygmunt Sadowy, R.

F. T. Xo. 7. J481 2695 Carl M.

Wiemann, R. F. T. No: 6. 1482 1814 Pietro Culotta, 1 Summit street.

143S 2797 Lo-uis John Conrad. R. F. D. Xo.

1. 134 1055 Czpujan SabMnski, 203 Tan- tic street 1435 1225 Samuel Miller, 5 North High street. 1486 894 John Cnary Lucas, Jr R. F. D.

Xo. 7. 1487 19-25 Philip' Sehore, Otrobande ventfe. 188 417 Francis Joseph Lenehan, 39 Cedar street: 1439 354 Josef Ltfkiewlc. Hinckley Hill, off Talman street.

1449 1931 Mo ice J. Durocher, 22 1-2 Xorth A street. 1441 445 Zygmont M. LawTuserier, 27 Cove street. 1421497 Charles J.

MoSheffery, 42 Soifth A street. 3 448 1819 Daniel P. Cummings, 3 Boswell 1444 1699 Roy Beebe. R. F.

D. Xo. 2. 1445 2899 Saul R. Guilbeault, 19 Ward street.

1446 2898 John Killips, 279 Main street. 1447 217 John J. 7 Walsh, 235 North Main street. 148 2597 Michele Formigllo, 242 Franklin street. 1449 1615 Herbert M.

Dawiey. R. F. D. No.

6. 1459 259 LeRoy Hull Whitmarsh, 22 Mulberry street. 1511435 Anastassos Proratas, 6S Hign street. 1452 1756 Carleton P. Brewning, P.

O. Box 38. Britannia Beach. B. C.

1488 Chauncey Chester Crouch, Mystic. 1484 2-57S Charles Ernest Hazard, R. IMA STOPS ALL STOMACH DISTRESS Why suffer with that -uncomfortable feeling of fullness, headach, dizziness, sour, gassy, upset stomach, or heartburn? Get relief at once delay are dangerous. But today now a 50c box of Ml-o-na Tablets. There Is no more effective stomach remedy.

Lee Osgood Co. can supply you. F. D. No.

6. 1455 2572 John F. Hasler, Hunter' avenue. 1456 2708 Alexander Gimbut, 19 Sher man street. 157 1068 Leon Stoller, tt Summit street.

1458 1S74 Warry L. Peterson, (3 Broadway. 14392882 Zaro Hurinovitz. Tantie. 1460 1248 Michele Magroni, 289 Franklin street.

1461 1631 John F. Bowen, 39 Hobart avenue. 1462 1450 Leroy Morgan McOluskW, SO 6rove street. 1463 322Herbert La Pre', 83 Spring Garden avenue 1464 2687 Robert Joseph Gelino, 24 Central avenue 1465 1120 J. Stralkowsky, 32 Cove street 1466 1365 Alphonse Provost, 12 South ij street 167 242 Edgar Clark Welden, 69 Elizabeth street 146818:3 William Poprozky, 75 Fourth street 1489 1584 Joseph Borowy, 52 Roath 1470 2511 Charles H.

Fowler, Corn- Road 1471 702 Thomas Francis Callahan, 64 Boswell avenue 1472 232 Munro Allen Warnlck, 114 Broad street 1473 697 George Edward Martin, 57 Cliff street 1474 2207 Xikolay Samokel, 9 North High street 1475 2755 Henry Gorman, Norwich Town 1476 694 Tony Balicgy, 64 North Main street 1477 1927 Emilien Durand, 22 South street 1478 198 Emile Tellier, 27 Front street 1479 1421 Singi Piereble, 13 Wash ington street 1480 1318 Xapoleon Joseph Pepin, 8 Xorth A street 1481 1918 Arba William Simons, 59 Myers avenue 1482 2727 Wilfred Goderre, 3 South street 14S3 1666 Lewis A. Cook, 24 Hedge avenue 1484 2581 Ernest A. Heber, IT Oak street 1485 799 Walter Edson Appley, 32 Fourth street. 1486 871 Krancosro Damiano, 4S I.3lI street 1487 561 Wojsirck Mis, 19 Xorwich avenue 1488 2258 Thilip Sadinsky his mark, 60 Maple street 1489 1621 Trifon Cassapldio. Tantic 1499 195 Eugene J.

Tetreault, 18 Providence street 1491 1061 Murray M. Sesal. 50 Peck street 1492 145 Julius E. Tuttle, 11 High street 1493 1310 Konstandinos Fappanico- IS Elm street 1494 2366 Danila Kozioh his mark, 26S Prospect street 1495 9S Arthur Frank Ray, R. F.

D. Xo. 1496 273S Solomon Goldfarb, 23 Pearl street 1497 1053 Chas. L. Schlough, 51 Dun' ham street 1498 1184 James Shadlock, 78 Xor wich avenue 1499 801 Orazio Distefano, 79 Thames street 1500 2918 Joe Grim his 52 Thames street 1501 235 Frank A.

Wilson, 4 Sttirte- vant avenue 1502 990 Stanislaw Zaremba, 28 Durfee street 1503 2227 Josef Skowronski, 26 Sixth street 1504 2442 Edward Ensling, 65 Sher man street 1505 1573 Peter Cloutier, 8 South street 1506 44 Philip Racine, North Cliff street extension 1507 226 William Patrick Ward. 339 Prospect street 1508 2112 John Patrick Kane, 187 Xorth Main street 1509 2183 John Jones his mark, 140 Yantic street 1510 1746 William James Dynon. 29 Dunham street 1511 7 Loreto Quintilienl, 57 Boswell avenue 1512 2404 Richard J. Kyle, 11 South A street 1513 2586 Louis J. Heller, 152 Palmer street 1514 2488 J.

T. Fitpatrick, 26 Hobart avenue 1515 846 James John Dawiey, 50 Peck street 1516 398 Louis H. L'heureux, 14 1-2 South street 1517 2658 Palo Gole, 88 Chestnut street 1518 2411 Luigi locoi, 58 Xorth Main street 1519 21 LeYoy W. Walker. 101 Washington street 1520 2312 Ronald M.

Kimball. 155 Spruce street 1321 847 Lester Bendett, 273 Central avenue 1522 302 Hipolet Lukowskl, 101 Summit street 3 523 2676 Fred A. Gauthier. Hanover 1524 26 John J. Reardon, 104 Fourth street 1525 1844 Howard R.

Bushnell, R. F. D. Xo. 8 1526 2172 LeRoy Prentice Johnson, 10 Court street 1527 1123 Alexander Shoris, 102 Tal man street 1528 662 William C.

Amburn, 45 Pearl street 1529 475 Frederick F. Manning, Yantic 1530 641 Herman Henry Bellert, 245 Broad street 1531 1661 John F. Conway, 49 Church street 1532 2337 Mike Kolada, 268 Prospect street 1533 2859 Joseph Frincona, 68 High street 1584 1392 Domingo Penna, 71 Mechanic street 1535 2077 Stephen J. Crouch, Mystic R. F.

D. Xo. 1 1536 2324 James A. Kirker, 61 1-2 Broad street 1537 1749 Tom Brown. Occum 1538 2654 Alfred Joseph Dufour, 285 rranKlin street 1539 1104 Chas.

V. SznurkoWskl; 195 Hobart avnue 150 2398 Peter Kumlegs, IS Norwich avenue 1541 239 Jesse S. Weidman, 110 Broad street 1542 2889 Stephen J. Hunt, Jr, 92 School street 1543 2733 Frank Goldblatt, 187 West Main street 1544 1580 Pioter Biolsky, 75 Fourth street 1545 1506 John Dealing, 48 Eighth street 2546 852 Pinas Beitnon 6 Cove street 1547 2241 Piotr Sucharzenoski, his mark, 57 Tenth street 1548 942 Manuel M. Vorster.

326 Main street 1549 1701 William J. Cotter, Xorwich avenue 1560 1145 Sebastinano Slnlsi, 96 High street 1581 160 Alfred. Francis Drisroll. 215 Xorth Main street 1S5! 975 Joseph Russell Terrlngton, 494 Boswell avenue 1853 U24. ftlix -PinJtm.

ttU The PDorleous Qo. ir b- For Bathing Suits! SERVICEABLE MATERIALS AT SPECIAL PRICES 32-inch Danish Cloth, very Suits, in black, white, navy 32-ineh Surf Satin black gray, tan and brown price a yard 59c 36-Inch Black Mohair, a dependable grade price a yard 59c 54-Inch Flannel In brown, green and garnet price a yard 59e 36-inch Skinner's Satin, strictly all silk, in black, white, navy, green, Copenhagen, old roe, rolj, plum, brown and gray price a yard Special Values In Silks FOR SUMMER WEAR 88-inch Aledo Silk for slips and dresses. in white. pink, blue, Copenhagen, navy, garnet, tan. green, gray and lavender price a yard 33c 36-inch White and Colored Silk striped and figured effects for dresses price a yard 49e 36-inch Silk and Cotton Crep for dresses and lingerie, in black, white and colors prlre a yard 49 27-inch India Silks In.

black, white, pink and llcht blue price a yard 49c 69c to 79c Dress Linens at 25c Colored Dress Linens, 36 inches to 4 5 inch wit Basket, Momie and Novelty Weaves, very fr skirting on sale beginning today at 25c a yard, reguli' prices 69c to 79c. (Linen Department, Basem*nt) THE PORTEOUS a venue 82 Alec 40 riifT 1554 street Walter H. Fnner. rwim 478 Uenjamin Mellor, 2" I Central avenue -18S4 Paul inajievirz, 116 Tlih J555-1556- 1557- 1558- 1559- 1560- 1561-1562- 15-63- 1564- 1565- 1366- 1567- 1568- 1569- 1570- 1571- 1572- 3 573- 1574- 1575- 1576- 1577- 1378- 1579- street 1429 P.omeo rrlley sreen, 127 Franklin street 479 Jame Albert 11 Ftussell P.oad 55 Howard Rydholm 413 P.oswell nvenn 1898 George H. t'aey, Xorwkb 592 John I.

M-troplis, 4 1 Broadway. 461 Alexander Ma.lowski, 34 White street 192! Geruse Nelson 120 Roath street 1345 John Pozzak, 177 Xorth Main street -1512 Antonio Ciccona, 116 Franklin street 2726 Arthur Goderre. 42 Providence Rtreet 1962 James Xlrholis Valentine, Joseph Xearv, Xorwich 480 Morris Markoff, 164 Tal man street 1364 Arthur B. Porter, 13 Ward street 2875 Xathan D. Hyman, 6 Mechanic street 2113 Wladyslaw 211 Tantic street 2718 Alfred Gladue, 71 XorwKh avenue 1209 Andrew H.

Millea, 3 ST Main street 1993 Frank 0'XI1, Xorwich avenue 2604 Herbert X. Hill, 4 1 Main street 1127 Charles Arthur Smiih. Yantic 2068 Philip Thomas Whipple. Mystic. R.

F. Xo. 2 2238 Frederick B. 297 BORN. In Norwich.

Aug 1S17, daughter to air. ana McMahon of 12. Maple street. Bn0 At South Coventry, Aug. 6, a son I ir.

nu JOHVSON In Maiden, Mjji, Ail-. 7. 117, a aeurnier. Johnson, to Mr. and Mrs.

Franrls M. BMVEX In Wipkinfon. R. 7, Aug S. 1317, a daugnier, bimira li Mr.

and Mrs. Fred P. Bliven. At Bella Ire, L. a in.

William Harris, to nn Pendleton. In La July 31 Jlt. a. son r. ana ri -trpri Tlllinghast.

-formerly of. Panlelon, Conn. MARRIED. HOiR M4RH In Stontnsrtnn (Paw-a-tuek), Aug. 6, 1917.

by Rev. Walter .1 Lvddv. Mies Alice V. Marr of Westerlv. R.

and Clifford Hong of Glens Falls, N. T. DIED. PARTRIDGE In Jewett City, Aug. 9.

1917, Alice Bingham Partridge, only child of Esther Victory and the late Frederick H. Partildae. Funeral services at the home of her mother on Mathewson street Saturday morning at S.15. Requiem mas at St. Mary's church at 9.

Rurial in it. Mary's cemetery. Automobile cortege. LCew Britain and Hartford papers please copy. BABco*ck In Jewett City, Aug.

9. 1917. I. T. Babco*ck, aged 34 years.

9 months. Xotice of funeral hereafter. CASTOR! For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years AJwaya bears the fflgnamre of 7 serviceable for Bathin; and garnet price a 1 43c Mohnlr In r'a'V, and navy price- a yr1 RO-lnrh Mohair black, whit and ni-. yard 36-lnrh Skinner's hark, black and r' yard 36-inch White Hah-j! very dpflraMe r-l dresses price a yard n-i 41-lnrh rrr.i.' white and flesh co.r,r. quality prire a yM $1 1 36-inch Ta- blark, navy.

O-penhag'-n brown a v. price a yard 1 40-lnrh Tf', i whit, navy. n'H green and plum prir? a ir-l MITCHELL CO. Tharr" Into 674 Iifimmfk fa 1381 I FnnomI, 96 1S82 2110 lrr." 7 15SS Fr" Central aven'i. Tl.on-.-i .1.

I In f-trret 1S85 Is'-" Mau-rv I .1 rel I .1 a 1586 1992 F.ngen T. rrirv ir. 1587 2647 r.ernv H-jVr-- St ui eva rt 15S 372 John Pr-'-n fn.otveil 15S9S'ifi frtr ilB-'t1 vn u. 1590 4" Hairy -v vf. Mstn 1591 43! William'1.

-5 fit reet. 1592 1 426 Anforto Mt reet, 1593 Aler-V 722 a venti. 1594 n9 Attlvir P. Mre' 1595 427, Jame I.t-n. Ft To-i in9r, Kgidjo rr.x, I't T-f- str t.

llnn-r K' 49 Mlf' st reet. 2nV. If. Kllb-. V.

A I'roa (Iwav, 1 Kf9 lf92 Ftw1. Poath str IfiPO 1627 F. 77 "'-t Town ftret. 1601 2916 John It. -v r'-' r'- tii 1602 1 1 Edward Pir-1, Fourth strt 1603 2671 Mi'hael OarMrr, F---r boarding hous.

1601 423 John frair: Town fr. 16n.T John ffiiro-, 24 ri-'- lin streer. 3n lvstr KonlV. 77 ---s V-oet. 1607 1469 Frank P.o'.and 131 Safhm Hrt.

(Continued on Page E'g'-Vi Church Allen 15 Main Street FUNERAL DIRECTORS -AXT Lady i Telephone 328-3 1 HBNRT E. CHLT.CM WM. SMITH ALT.FM WILLIAM Massage and ir rg "tgvt or day ralla. 38 HVknrv ft. No-- Shea Burko 3 41 Main Street 1 Funeral Directors li.

Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.