Up in the Air - Lamented_peach_picker (2024)

She can’t remember whose idea it had been to do this – most likely Astarion’s if she thinks about it hard enough – but Tav wishes she could recall because the idea to take that flying potion was an absolute stroke of genius. Now she doesn’t have to worry about her legs giving way from shaking too hard, they can shake as hard as they damn well please as far as she’s concerned. Sure, she’s a little tipsy on the fire wine that Karlach had lugged back to camp but isn’t forgone enough not to feel every ripple of pleasure that flows through her at the flick of her pale companion’s tongue.

If anything, the wine is only aiding him.

They’d managed to find a secluded enough gathering of trees near by the camp, far enough away that they couldn’t hear the off-key ballads of their drunken druid, but still close enough that they could see the flickering of the campfire light if they really focused. It was in the gathering of trees that Tav had swigged down the bubbly blue potion with a few hiccups here and there, and it’s in the gathering of those trees she remains now, hovering a good several feet off the ground with her legs draped over the strong shoulders of Astarion as he laps at her as if he’s the cat who just got given the cream.

Her fingers locked into his silvery curls and the pressure of his hands on the tops of her thighs might just be the only things stopping her from floating away in ecstasy – quite literally. With her head thrown back and a smile tugging at her lips she lets out another appreciative moan.

Gods, we should have done this sooner”.

A muffled chuckle comes from between her legs, and as she looks down her green eyes meet with blazing red, and another wave of pleasure ripples down her spine.

“I told you, my love, Gale is not the only one with a practiced tongue”.

Tav’s cheeks flush pink at the phrasing – she’d known Astarion had been eavesdropping on her private conversations with Gale – but her brow quirks up in interest.

“Is it a competition?”

“That depends, am I winning?”

Astarion’s grin is wide enough that Tav catches a flash of his pearly white fangs in the moonlight, and she can’t help but run her thumb over the elf’s bottom lip, the tip of a fang pricking her skin just enough to produce a small droplet of red. Without ever breaking her gaze, Astarion closes his mouth around her thumb and sucks gently, earning himself a soft whimper from Tav in response. She can feel his tongue pressing against the spot where her skin had broken and it’s enough to leave her wanting so much more.

“You might be, though I’ll need more evidence to compare”.

She flashes him a smile and her thumb is free, fingers moving back to those thick curls as Astarion’s cool cheek brushes against her inner thigh.

“Say no more, my sweet”.

She couldn’t say anything more even if she tried, because any words attempting to leave her lips are turned into whines as Astarion pulls her forward once more to his mouth, tongue rolling almost expertly over her cl*t.

It probably isn’t the best time to be fooling around, not with their impending arrival at Baldur’s Gate due any day now, but Tav isn’t all too bothered by it. It’s been some time since Astarion has felt like being any kind of intimate with her, and who was she to turn him down when he’d asked so politely?

Her fingers tighten their hold on his hair as his tongue slips further back, tasting her for a few moments before pressing inside her, and the feeling is almost too much to bear. Her eyes roll back, and fall closed as her head lolls back too, giving in to the wonderful feeling of pleasure flowing through her. It isn’t until she feels a wain in that pleasure that she blinks her eyes open again, frowning as she see’s Astarion smirking up at her.

“And where do you think you’re going?” He muses, and it takes Tav a moment to realise what he means. In giving herself over to her feelings of pleasure, she’s floated up a few more inches, essentially pulling herself away from the gloriousness of her lover’s talented mouth.

“The heavens, perhaps” Tav mumbles as she’s tugged back down, this time to her feet. Her toes curl on the slightly dampened grass, hands resting on the elf’s still clothed chest. “I’ll remind you it was your idea to use the potion in the first place” she says with false confidence, now having to look up to see those red eyes staring back at her.

“And what a stroke of genius it was,” Astarion’s lips twitch up into a smirk as his hand comes up to curl behind Tav’s neck, bringing her face closer to his own. “And had you saved even a drop for me, we could have been making love amongst the stars as we speak”.

The words elicit a snort from Tav, which she doesn’t even bother to stifle.


“Are you mocking me, darling?”

There’s an edge to his tone that seems to harbour a small amount of hurt, so Tav shakes her head and runs her hands up his chest to the collar of his shirt, fingers playing gently with the material she finds there.

“No. You just sounded like Gale for a – oh!”

Tav blinks as she is pushed back a few steps until her back hits the trunk of a nearby oak, one of Astarion’s hands pressed flat against the bark beside her head, the other pressing ever so slightly against the column on her throat, just high enough that she has to tilt her chin up to keep from pressing against it.

“I am many things, my love, but I am not Gale.” The elf holds her gaze as if daring her to challenge him, and when she remains silent, he continues. “I don’t need to resort to arcane trickery or illusions of the mind to give you what you want”.

Tav’s lips part around a small gasp as her legs are nudged apart by Astarion’s knee, his thigh pressing right up against her.

“I don’t need to warp reality or channel some magical goddess’s powers to make you want me.”

Tav knows he isn’t wrong, because if she’s being truly honest with herself, she’d taken an interest in him from the moment he’d held a knife to her throat but had cushioned her landing with the brace of his arm. Dangerous, but not deadly.

His eyes rake over her face and down to her parted lips, his own twisting into a smirk.

“And you do want me, don’t you, darling?”


It comes out much needier than Tav had anticipated, but it seems to be the right call because it’s barely a breath later that his lips are on hers, this tongue licking obscenely into her mouth in a way that draws out yet another moan. Maybe it’s his centuries of practice, but she’s pretty sure that she’s never fallen apart with a lover as easily as she has with him. His hand around her throat curls instead around to the back to her neck, keeping her close as he presses his thigh in a repetitive rhythm against her, humming softly when she starts to rut back against him.

“That’s it, my sweet. Use me” Astarion encourages as he draws back, trailing his lips down her chin to under her jaw, the tips of his fangs brushing every so gently along her skin as he goes. With a tilt of her neck, she welcomes him in, her fingers closing around his arm when she feels him break through her skin. The bites are never easy to endure at first, always cold and piercing, but once his tongue starts to lap at the pooling blood almost in time to the rhythm he’s set for her elsewhere, the pain begins to make way to pleasure. One hand moves up into his hair, gripping him firmly as the other runs down his arm to find his wrist, tugging it to her chest. His fingers flex with ease around her breast, letting her guide him how she likes.

When he pulls away from her neck the cold night air stings her for a moment, but it’s soon forgotten when Astarion licks his bloodstained lips and presses his forehead to hers, breathing in her soft sighs of pleasure.

“How badly do you want me?”

Tav doesn’t respond with words, but instead moves her hands down to the knot of his high-waisted pants – the ones that she is certain he only wears because he knows just how perfectly they accentuate what he’s working with – and begins to untie it with practiced ease. Astarion gives out a soft chuckle, brushing back a lock of her black hair as it falls between them.

“I see we’re surpassing our ‘quick adventure’ just a little”.

“You are free to leave at any time.” Tav grins up at him as she pushes open his pants, letting him step away so he can rid himself fully of the offending item of clothing.

“You know as well as I do that I’m not going anywhere”.

Tav doesn’t ask him if he means here in the trees or in general, because for right now she doesn’t need to know. What she does need is him touching her, so she draws his hand down between her legs so he can feel just how ready for him she is, smiling up at him as his eyes continue to hold her gaze. The fire within them only excites her more as she feels his thumb rub swift circles over her cl*t, teasing her before he’s pressing two fingers inside her, searching for that ever so sweet spot that will make her cry out for him. It doesn’t take him long to find, her fingers gripping onto his shoulder with one let hitched upon his hips, his mouth pressing back to hers to stifle her cries.

“Do you really want an audience right now, darling?”

“That depends. Do you perform better in front of an audience?”

Apparently, that was the right thing to say, and Tav lets out a laugh as Astarion grips her hips and lifts her with ease, her mind focusing on being lighter than air as she wraps her legs around him, fingers curling into his hair once more. His kisses are fierce, but his hands are gentle as he guides himself inside her, smiling too widely against her lips as she settles into another deep moan.

“I’d rather have you all to myself, if it’s all the same to you”.

Tav presses her heels against the small of his back, forcing him slowly deeper until they’re as close as they possibly can be, with her pressed up against the large oak, held up by Astarion and the magic that he so likes to ridicule.

“Then have me”.

An arm slides around her waist and his other hand moves up to frame her face, their kisses now languid and filled with unspoken feelings they aren’t brave enough to say fully clothed just yet. The heat between them continues to build as the cool wind sets in, rustling the leaves in the trees around them.

No one disturbs them – despite being otherwise occupied, Tav’s keen ears don’t pick up the sounds of any unwanted guests – so she lets herself enjoy every moment on offer to her. Attuned to her body, Astarion keeps his mouth pressed to her own when she reaches her climax, swallowing down at noise she makes. She draws back from his lips with a breathless sigh, fingers pushing back his hair to see the fullness of his face when he too stills, eyes now a deep red.

“I think that potion is starting to wear off, darling. You’re getting a little heavy”.


Tav grins but climbs down all the same. They begin to redress in silence, the firelight from the camp still glowing off in the distance. Tav’s fingers fumble just a little with the knot of her pants and are soon brushed away by a cool pair of hands.

“Before we head out tomorrow with our rag tag bunch of buffoons back there,” Astarion says with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “I’d quite like to have a moment alone with you”.

“Now isn’t a good time?” Tav muses, letting the elf finish tying off the knot before taking a small step back to properly take him in. In the light of the moon, he looks to be almost glowing, and she can easily see how so many before her met their demise at his hand. He looks intoxicating and utterly unreal.

“No. I would quite like to be of clear mind when we talk”.

Tav expects him to leave after that, but instead he steps forward and cups her cheek with one hand, tilting her head up towards him. He doesn’t say anything but simply presses a soft, almost chaste kiss to her lips. He lingers, thumb brushing over her pink cheek.

“We should return. After all, you’ll need to thank Shadowheart for her genius potion idea”.

Shadowheart. Of course it was her”.

Tav follows after Astarion, fingers fixing her hair so she looks at least somewhat respectable, knowing that the butterflies in her stomach aren’t going to fly away until the morning when Astarion will inevitably sneak into her tent, waking her for whatever conversation it is that he wants to have. For a moment she believes it could be a bad one, but when the elf offers out his hand to her and interlocks their fingers, falling back into step with her, the doubt washes away as quickly as it had arrived.

Maybe, when it came to him, there was now only good.

Up in the Air - Lamented_peach_picker (2024)


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.