Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina (2024)

a PAGE THREE Abhorrent to Crucify Judge' Who Stands For Justice. his stand for justice and right, must be abhorrent to all people who are in their right minds. Charlotte Chronicle. In a little editorial a few days ago about the efforts being made to defeat Judge Long, the Chronicle apto bave discovered the source pears from which the opposition to him comes. Following up what we said in tbat paragraph, it might not be amiss to say that we are not personally acquainted with Judge Long.

We have never met him, yet we know by his record that be is a good and fearless judge- just the sort the people of North Carolina want to keep on the bench. In view of this fight that is being made on Judge Long, it is entirely proper to call attention to a few things. One is that holding the judicial office which be does, Judge Long could not afford to go into a scramble for renomination. We believe that he is rated as one of the best judges of the Superior Court bench in the State. And, again, we are losing some of our best.

Three experienced judges have recently retired and one other has said that he can no longer afford to remain in the service. In view of these facts, it becomes the people of the State to look well into the matter of the judiciary. The Chronicle is no spokesman for Judge Long, but it takes this much for granted: That his labors as a judge are congenial with his chosen field, that he has "made good," as the saying goes, on the bench, and that by every right, be should be given another term, not only by way of vindication, but by way of endorsem*nt, for the idea of a judge being crucified by reason of Wireless Telegraph "Operators" Worked the Public For a Big Sum. Charlotte Chronicle. In the report of the arrest of the wireless telegraph "operators," it is said of one of them Columbus Wilson, by name--that he "is a financier of the self-made school." It would seem so.

An ditor found that the value of his patents was $20,233. After the auditor had gone, this self-made financier, by a couple of strokes of the pen in the skillful manipulation of two figure 5s, made the value of these patents soar skyward to the extent of $5,520,233. The inspactor who pulled the shop in which these operators worked the sucker game, found, after a laborious process of figuring, that the wireless stock has an actual market value, that is worth about $.004 a share. Some of the bolders paid as bigh as $50 a share for this stock, but the majority got in on the ground floor at from $12 a share. The game was profitable.

It was the biggest grafting lay out that bas been uncovered in years. One of the partners is said to bave salted down $15,000,000 as his share of the profits and the other, two did approximately as well. The wonder is that their joint was not pulled months ago. Meanwhile, bolders of wireless stock might be induced to part with their holdings at a lower rate than they would have considered yesterday. Death of Mr.

Fred. Williams -A Worthy Young Man. Correspondence of The Landmark. Died, pear Hamptonville, N. June 80b, 1910, Miles Frederick Williams, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Williams, aged 26 years. His death was very sad to the whole family, especially so to his father and mother, with whom he lived. He was the only one of their children with them, to cheer, comfort and help tbem in their declining years. Fred.

was a young man loved and highly, respected by all of his young associates of the vicinity, for be was a true and perfect model of piety and kindness inevery respect. No one ever heard him use an unkind or disparaging remark of any one. He had been a member of Flat Rock Baptist church for nine years and his Christian walk and sober, trustworthy character, was the remark of every one. Kind friends and neighbors, with experienced doctors, helped the grief stricken family to render assistance in every way possible, but all efforts to save life failed. He bore his confinement and affliction with true Christian fortitude and often expressed himself as ready and willing to make the all-important and awful change.

With his parents be leaves two brothers, W. F. and L. S. Williams, and two sisters, Mrs.

Richardson and Mrs. Carter. Burial services by Rev. S. S.

May. Oklahoma Capital Case in the Courts. Guthrie, Okla, Dispatch. 16th, Judge A. H.

Huston, in the County District Court here today, overruled the demurrer Governor Haskell to the petition of County Attorney Hepburn for an injunction preventing removal of the capital from Guthrie to Oklahoma City. The temporary injunction issued last Monday was continued in force until further orders. The court held that the enabling act was valid in imposing the condition that the capital should remain in Guthrie until 1913; that the court had jurisdiction over the person of the Governor in matters whor* be bad no discretion, and shat the county attorney had the power to file application for an injunction. The attempt to remove the capital to Oklahoma City will now comesquarely before the State Supreme Court. Governor Haskell in his demurrer took the position that, as Chief Executive, he was not amenable to the State Lame shoulder is almost invariably caused rheumatism of the muscles and yields quickly to the free application of Chamberlain's Liniment.

This liniment is not only prompt and effectual, but in no way disagreeable to use. Sold by the Statesville Drug Co. STATE NEWS. LOOK Vegetables: Beans, Peas, Squashes, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Radish, Lettuce, Onions, Strawberries, Irish Potatoes. Also Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Olives and Mixed Pickles.

COLVERT GROCERY CO. 'PHONE 58. ICE CREAMI Any KIND at any time, delivered where. Call 113 for prices. Caldwell Caldwell, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN ICE CREAM.

220 South Center Street. Selling Out I am going to move to Washington City, and offer my business for grocery sale. I have a complete line of fresh goods; alsoall necessary fixtures; a valuable two-year lease on storeroom. Will sell for cash or on time. In order to reduce my stock for the next twenty days for cash will sell to every one at I actual cost who buys one dollar's worth of goods.

I also offer my residence for rent, possesion given August 1st. J. P. PHIFER June 10, 1910. Good Brick Ready GOOD BRICK NOW READY FOR MARKET.

STATESVILLE BRICK CO, LOST A large sum of money by some one who didn't buy a York Piano from us. EMPIREMUSICCOMPANY L. V. CLONINGER. M.D.

Offers his services to the public. Special attention given to Diseases of Children and Infant Feeding. Office over Hall's Drug Store. Office 'Phone 20, Residence 'Phone 2064. BARIUM SPRING WATER Cures Indigestion.

Hundreds of people know it and thousands would like to know it. Let us prove it to you. BARIUM SPRINGS BARIUM SPRINGS, N. C. Black No use talking or wasting time; no better place to spend your vacation this side the Italian Alps in Italy than the Gladstone Hotel at Black Mountain.

For rates and all other information apply to E. G. GILMER, Black Mountain, N. C. REMOVAL NOTICE! I have moved my tin shop from Court street to 114 east Broad street- in the Statesville Grocery old stand -where I do all kinds of tin work and guarantee it.

W. C. GASS. 500 APPLE TREES! BUSHELS just marketed, about $200 cash 100 profit; trees 6 years old and up; 22 bushels this fall from one of the older trees; 104 acres, 20 rich 30 upland fields, balance wood; house; new bottom, stable; spring water; owner has other property and to settle matters at once will sacrifice for $800 may remain on easy terms. WM.

G. 500. STROUT, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Dec.

21, 1909. -STOCK of goods in storeFOR SALE, house located near Statesville Cotton Mill, First class stand. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to J. K.

MORRISON SONS. April 19, 1910, THE LANDMARK TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1910. LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Arrival and Departure of Trains at Statesville. Train No. 11, Train 21, Train No.

85, Train No. 88, Train No. 22, Leain No. 12, WESTERN ROAD. west-hound.

due 10.20 a. m. 3.25 p.m. 10.22 p.m. 11.00 a.


Train No. 16 arrives 9,50 leaves leaves 11.00 a.m. Train No. 24 arrives 8.25 8.35 p. m.

PROM TAYLORSVILLE. Train No. 23 arrives 10.10... leaves 11,00 a.m. Train No.

15 arrives 6.20.. leaves 6.40 p.m. Teachers' A Assembly Adopts Platform. The Teachers' Assembly, which concluded its session at Asheville last week, adopted an educational platform favoring the establishment of an auxiliary board to work in conjunction with the State Board of Education on all matters pertaining to education; favoring adoption of a constitutional amendment from four mentincreasing to eight term months, favoring uniform selection of county superintendenss, uniform method of selection of a board of education for counties; uniform examinations for teachers; and establishment of farm bigh schools in the country districts, Supt. Chas.

Coon, of the Wilgraded schools, was elected son president; Mr. E. C. Brooks, of Trinity College, vice president, and Mr. R.

D. W. Conner secretary and treasurer. Death of Mrs. Cass in" North Iredell.

Elkin Times, 16th, Mrs. Louise Cass, an aged lady who lives in Naw Hope township, Iredell county, died last Sunday morning. She was the widow of the late James Cass, of Iredell county, and had since the death of ber busband made ber home with her son, Mr. E. F.

Cass. A BRIDE'S BOUQUET OF SWEET PEAS Is a little out of the ordinary, but pretty and bound to please. Can be made a with or without "shower" effect. PRICES $5 TO $10 Bridesmaid Bouquets of Sweet Peas. $2 to $4 each.

Other kinds, of course. J. Van Lindley Nursery Con Greensboro and Pomona, N. C. Polk Gray Drug LOCAL AGENTS.

'PHONE 109. Look! Just arrived, Simon Pure Lard. Small Star Hams, Nice Breakfast Bacon. 'Phone your order. EAGLE MILHOLLAND.

KADAK At home or on your vacation you can't hardly do without one. See my line of Eastman's. Also big lot supplies. I sell time too. You just must have time.

H. B. WOODWARD Jeweler. ACCOUNTS MUST BE SETTLED! SOLD out April 1st. 1910, and notified all WE persons owing us to that effect, requesting prompt settlement of accounts.

All accounts still due June 20th. 1910, will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Payment can be made to L. A. Ervin or W.

Matheson. MATHESON GROCERY CO. June 10, 1910. THOUSANDS OF HAPPY HOMES owe their happiness to the use of Vick's Croup and Pneumonia Salve. Its the prompt, quick relief, and preventive.

It nips the trouble before it can get to the danger point. See? Be wise. Have ready. 50c. and $1 jars.

-All Druggists. to celebrate Independence Day in great style. Mr. W. E.

Holbrook, former editor of the Hickory Democrat, has entered the race for the Democratic nomination for register of deeds in Cataw. ba county. The Southern Students' Conference, composed of the students' associations of Southern colleges, met at Montreal last week and will be in session ten days. W. C.

Hickey, former sheriff of Mitchell county and one of the best known citizens of his section, died at bis home at Spruce Pine Tuesday. He was about 80 years of age. The Rockingham Railroad Company has been chartered to build a road from Roberdell, Richmond county, via Rockingham, to Gibson, in Scotland county, a distance of 24 miles. A Confederade monument is to be unveiled at Mt. Zion church, at Cor.

nelius, August 4th. The monument will be surmounted by the figure of a Confederate soldier five and a half feet high. The third annual Sunday School Normal of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod and the North Carolina Conference of the Tennessee Synod, will be held at Misenheimer Sprigs July 5, 6 and 7. Cards have been issued for the marriage of Mr. J.

D. Bivins, editor of the Albemarle Enterprise, and Miss Sara W. Staples, of Reidsville. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride in Reidsville at 9 amounts to $7. The mother says that they are unable to pay this tax but she refuses to get rid of the dogs.

Concord Tribune, 17th: Mr. John Love committed suicide last nght by hanging himself to the limb of a shade tree in the front yard at the home of his father, Mr. Munford Love, near Locust, in Stanly county. He was found this morning about daylight by his father. Mr.

Love was 25 years of age and hid been in ill health for more than a year. For the past two months his mind had been slightly deranged, but he never intimated that he contemplated taking his own p. m. on the evening of the 30th. It is a custom of the First Presbyterian church of Salisbury 10 have an annual banquet for the men of the congregation.

Last week 200 men of the congregation attended the banquet, which is for the purpose of drawing the men into closer social relations. Fire in the storeroom of the Southern Pants Company, in Charlotte Thursday night, destroyed a stock of goods valued at $15,000. Loss covered by insurance. Four stores underneath the pants company suffered considerable damage and the buildings were also damaged. Major James W.

Wilson, for years a resident of Morganton, long and prominently identified with public affairs in this section of the State and one of the best known railroad men in the State in his day, has been quite ill in Charlotte, where he makes his home, recently, but his condition was much improved at last account. The Tribune says a Concord po liceman on his rounds collecting dog tax found a family consisting of the mother and five fatherless children, three whom worked in the mill and supported the family, and seven bound dogs. The tax on the dogs life. Distinguished Artist a Southerner and Confederate Soldier. Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sir Moses Jacob Ezekiel has come to his native city on a brief visit after years spent in the pursuit of his art in other lands.

Born in Richmond, educated at the Virginia Military Institute, baptized with fire at New Market, and loyal always to the best traditions of his State, he comes back to his home again for a few days to mingle with the people who have never forgotten him and who take a personal pride in his great achievements in the world of art. In 1869 Sir Moses began the study of sculpture at the Royal Academy in Berlin, and so impressed the artists of the day by his colossal bust of Washington that he was admitted to the Society of Artists, and won the Michael Beer prize, then firstawarded to a foreigner. After completing his studies in Berlin he set up his studio in the ruins of the Baths of Diocletian in Rome, and there he has wrought miracles in bronze and sione. His first large work was a group representing "Religious now one of the principal art treasures of the city of Philadelphia, and among his other much-discussed sculptures are his "Eve Hearing the "'The Daughter of "Judith," "Napoleon," madonna for a church in Tivoli, eleven statues of famous artists for the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, and the Jefferson Monument in Louisville, Kensucky. He has just presented to she University of Virginia a splendid statue of Jefferson, and wherever he has wrought he has wrought with the soul of the artist.

"His workis characterized by great technical skill in the carving, and he was the first to introduce the German and new Italian styles of sculpture to this country. He was knighted by the King of Italy for his work and for the impetus it bas given to art. "It cured me," or "It saved the lifeof my child," expressions you hear every day about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa Remedy, This is true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamberlain's Colic.

Cholera and Remedy is that it cures. Sold by the Statesby ville Drug Co. to Chamberlain's Stomach and Li ver Tablets will brace up the nerves. banish sick headache. prevent despondency and invigorate the whole system, Sold by the Statesville Drug Co.

Falling Hair Dandruff Hair Vigor promptly destroys the germs Ayer's Hair Vigor just as promptly destroys the that Ayer's falling hair. It nourishes the germs that cause dandruff. removes every cause bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops trace of dandruff itself, and keeps the scalp falling out. grows more rapidly.

clean and in a healthy condition. Does not Color the Hair We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest Vigor Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate degree. blond hair may use it freely without having the hair made shade darker. Sulphur. Glycerin.

Alcohol. Quinin. Sodium Pertume, Chlorid. Ingredients: Capsicum. Sage.

Water. Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it. J. O.


000000000 Have Your Prescriptions Filled RAT HALL'S The up-to-date and reliable Drug Store. Your family have traded there for 25 years. W. F. HALL, Prescriptionist.

000000000 CO, THE Commercial National Bank, Statesville, N. Capital $100,000 Surplus 25,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time deposits. M.

K. Steele, Pres. Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. D. M.

Ausley, Cashier, G. E. Hughey, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: M. K.





AUSLEY. FOR SALE. Thirty-seven acre farm three miles from Statesville, nicely located on the railroad and public road. Four-room dwelling, barn, good well, one branch; 19 acres in cultivation, balance in fruit, woodland enclosed in wire fence. Near schools and churches.

100-acre improved farm on public road, one fourth mile from macadamized road, seven miles from Statesville. Near schools and churches, good neighborhood; 50 acres in cultivation, balance in woodland, mostly enclosed in pasture. New six room, two-story dwelling, two stock barns and outbuildings, good orchard. 53 acres, small dwelling, barn and outbuildings; 30 acres in cultivation, balance in wood, one mile each from Stony Point and Scotts. Fifteen acres in Davidson township, near Shepherd's, small dwelling and store house.

For further information, prices and terms apply to Ernest G. Gaither, Statesville, N. C. 'PHONE NO. 23.

INSURANCE, STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. Office No. 1, Mills Building. FARMS FOR SALE. 322 Acres High grade farming land lying 5 miles East of Statesville, fronting on railroad and public road, 35 acres in fine bottom, 75 acres in cultivation, 210 acres in Oak, Pine, Poplar and Hickory timber.

Good 6-room cottage, large barn with sheds capable of stalling 5 head horses and 20 head cattle, 1 2-roomand 1 4-room tenhouses, small store house and gin house on premises. Will ant cut 225,000 feet of lumber, 5,000 cords of wood, 3 miles fencing. Has large pastures and orchard Apply for terms. 200 acres improved farming land, 5 miles East of Statesville on Statesville and Salisbury road, one mile from Elmwood, railroad sidloam, red subsoil, 35 acres in cultivation, ing on premises, gray acres in Oak and Pine timber, 15 acres pastures. Large fine 150 orchard, nursery fruit, 2 dwellings, commodious barns, fine neighborhood and healthy surroundings.

Apply for terms. 15 farms, various sizes. Also handle city and suburban property. STATESVILLE REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY, W. R.

MILLS, Sales Manager. courts..

Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

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Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.