Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Season 5, Episode 7 script (2024)

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ Whoa, oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ So much to see ♪

♪ So much to do ♪

♪ Let's share a dream ♪

♪ Make it come true ♪

♪ Us girls' got ♪

♪ The right combination ♪

♪ Make our way
To new destinations ♪

♪ Imagine all
The possibilities ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ You can be anything ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Barbie's here, gonna sing ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Adventure
Yeah, that's our thing ♪

♪ It's the
Dreamhouse Adventures ♪

They say imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery.


Hi, guys.
Wanna hang out?

- Tammy?
- Do you like?

Just trying out
something new.

But if it's
really a compliment,

why does it feel so weird?

It's like, you ever have
a new shirt that you just love,

and then the next day
your friend shows up

wearing the exact same shirt?

And you know it means
she likes your style,

but somehow it still makes you
feel less... special?

Let me tell you the whole story.

Maybe that will help
explain it better.

Mommy always said I was
a natural born artist.

Um, yes.

Your work definitely represents
a distinct point of view.

And what have you entered

into this portrait contest,

[all gasp]

Ooh, nice!

Oh, my.



Thank you,
Principal Miller.

This is a real honor.

[groans angrily]

- She wins again?
- What do they know?

Anyone with a real eye for art
would've picked my portrait.


Nice one.

Dude, yeah.

Everywhere I look,

Barbie, Barbie,
Barbie, Barbie!

What do I have to do to get
some attention around here.


Be more like Barbie,
I guess?

Hi, Casey.

Thank you so much
for taking care of Bella

while I'm out of town at
the goat yoga convention.


Oh, no problem.
We love to pet sit.

Even though we've never
done it before.

Love your outfit.

You look amazing.

- Wow, she talks!
- Yes.

Bella's a regular chatterbox.

She used to belong
to a fashion designer,

so she talks about fashion.
A lot.

- Love the look, love the look.
- [giggles]

I'm counting on you girls
to take extra good care of her.

Remember to feed her
twice a day.

Oh, and don't wear stripes
with plaids.

She's very opinionated.

Don't worry, Casey.
She's in good hands.

Aren't you, Bella?

Stripes with plaids.

Fashion disaster.

[school bell rings]

Hi, Trey.
What has you so captivated?

For your information,

I'm shopping online
for my mom's birthday present.

- That's nice.
- Nice?

You've met my mother.
She doesn't do "nice."

She's impossible to buy for.

Hey, ready to head to class?

- [car honks]
- [gasps]

Hi, guys, wanna hang out?


Why are you dressed
like that?

Why do you look like that?

Do you like?
Just trying out something new.

Speaking of, how about after
school we plan a charity event?

Or I could help you
with your homework.



If anyone wants me,
I'll be serving milk and cookies

to the poor unfortunates
in detention.

Oh, bye bestie!

Wanna take a selfie
with me later?

OK, byeee!

- Has she lost her mind?
- Yeah.

And she borrowed Barbie's.


Enjoy your dinner.

Hi, Stacie.
Pet sitting's fun.

Told you it was easy.
There's nothing to it.

What are you wearing?

What are you wearing?

Uh, Stacie's hand-me-downs.

I thought so.
I loved that shirt.

Hey, everybody.

Banana nut muffins,
fresh from the oven.

Oh, yum!



- [barking]
- [squawking] Paparazzi!

Run away, run away.

What are you guys
barking at?

- Uh-oh. Bella's cage is open!
- [gasps]

So's the back door.

Not good!

It wasn't that big of a deal,
was it?

I mean, imitation is supposed
to be a compliment, right?

I guess. Assuming Tammy
even knows what a compliment is.

[chuckles] And imitation is
never the same as the original.

And speaking of originals,

your idea for
the tree planting ceremony

in the park is fantastic.

- We're all set.
- Great.

Looking forward to the horse
show on Saturday, Barbie?

We're really counting on you
to be the featured performer
again this year.

Sure, Harriet.
It'll be fun.

A horse show
and a tree planting ceremony
in the same week?

Barbie Roberts,
you truly are one of a kind.

- [whinnies]
- [laughs]

See? Misty agrees.

- Misty!
- [all laughing]

Solid gold luggage?
Wow! Isn't that... ordinary.

But I special ordered it
from Italy.

- I even got
the extra cup holders.
- [dings]

Yes, fine, I love it.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Now for the main event.

What did my darling baby boy
get his mummy for her birthday?

Oh, something spectacular
and one of a kind, no doubt?



Hello, gorgeous!


What the...?
Away, foul beast!

Who's a pretty girl?

Stop it, Whit.
Clearly this is
no ordinary bird.

So charming!
Oh, and so perceptive.

You look fabulous.


Where did this delightful
creature come from?

It's your birthday present.

- Surprise!
- Trey, I love it.

Oh, is it a boy or a girl?

Uh, yes?

She's the best present ever.

- [chortles]
- [sighs]



Oh, forgot your lunch today?

No problem.
I made extra.

Hope you like the free range
quinoa salad.

I grew all
the vegetables myself.

They're organic.

- That is going too far.
- I don't know.

I mean, as long as she's being
nicer to people.


But is that really
how I laugh?


Don't worry about Tammy.

Eventually, she'll get tired of
being majorly annoying,

and then go back to being
just mildly annoying.

You're right, Daisy.
Not the time to overreact.

- Hi, girls.
- [gasps]

I'm holding a personal

styling consultation class
after school.

Care to join me? Well,
here's some of my latest work.

- Huh?
- Is that a no?

Well, my door's always open.
See you later!

Is now a good time
to overreact?

So, Tammy wasn't just
copying my look.

She was starting to copy
my whole life.

Was it getting weird yet?

Tree planting donations!

Oh, now what?

Donations for
the tree planting ceremony.

Bring 'em in, people!


Thanks for the donation.

I need to say something.

Tree planting donations!
Make them right here.

- Tammy, can we talk?
- Why certainly, Barbie.

I always have time for you.

I gotta be honest.

It was a little weird at first,

but now you're
upsetting my friends.

Is there a reason
why you're doing this?

- Doing what?
- [coins clinking]

Thanks for the donation.

Uh, copying me.

Or at least
what you think is me.

I'm just doing whatever
it takes to get noticed.

And thanks to my new look,
I'm getting noticed.

But you can't just
pretend to be me.

I'm not you.
I'm a better you!

[gasps] You can't be
a better me than me!

- Already am.
- [coins clinking]


- Bella!
- Here, pretty girl.

- Where are you?
- I don't see her anywhere.

Some pet sitters we are.

What are we going to do
when Casey comes back tomorrow

and there's no pet?

Poor Bella. She must be
so scared and alone.

- [squawks]
- [both gasp]

You don't look a day over 40.



Who's mommy's little princess?

Aren't you, my Precious?

The Reardon's have Bella?

Poor bird.

This is no longer
just a recovery mission.

We have to save her.

[doorbell rings]


Roberts' offspring.

What do you want?

Mrs. Reardon.
You found Bella!

I don't know what
you're referring to.

This is Precious,
a birthday present
from my Trey-Trey.

The best present ever.

There must be some mistake.

Her name is Bella,
and she belongs
to our friend Casey,

the goat yoga instructor.

Goats are smelly.

Goats are smelly.

You heard my Precious.

She doesn't even like goats.

[wheels squeaking]

Hi, guys.

How about
a free mani-pedi, friend?

Because you know me,

I'm all about doing nice
things for everyone.

Really? Really?!
She thinks that's what I do?

Look on the bright side.
I heard she raised a ton
of money for the tree ceremony.

It's all because she's trying
to be like you.

[Tammy] Barbie!

Come join us.

I can see from here
that your cuticles are a mess.

Poor thing.

Trey, you have to help us.

That bird you gave your mom
belongs to someone else.

Not anymore.
My mom loves that thing.

[laughs] Look at this picture
she just texted me.

You can't just give away
something that isn't yours.

Can and did.

Best present ever!

What are we gonna do?

Mrs. Reardon will never
give up Bella.

We can handle this.

All we need to do
is get her a better present.

While so many students
contributed to this
wonderful event,

we all owe a special debt
of gratitude to Barb...

I mean, Tammy. [laughs]

So many trees.

- Let's hear it for Tammy!
- [crowd cheering]

[crowd chanting]
Tammy! Tammy! Tammy!

Thank you so much.
Oh, I love it.

I love you, and I love you,
and I love all of you!

Whoa, Tammy. Congrats.

Getting all these trees planted,
that's really great.

Being you is way more fun
than I ever expected!

I'm really glad
you've had your fun,

but don't you think it's time
you went back to being yourself?

Get over it, Barbie.

This is me, forever!

So Tammy had moved beyond
just copying my life,

and was trying to live it.

Can someone even do that?

All I know is, thanks to Tammy,
I was beginning to question

what it was that made me "me."

These cupcakes Tammy made
look delicious.

Almost as good
as the ones you make.

Give her time.
I'm sure she'll come up with

a recipe that blows mine away.

- So what if she does?
- Huh?

Don't let Tammy get to you.

She's not you
and she never will be.


It's like this cupcake.

No matter how great
it looks on the outside,

it's what's inside that matters.


You got nothing to worry about.


OK, get in.


Why do I have to do it?

Because you're the smallest.

Unless you know a better way
to get Bella back.


More gifts for Poppy.

Oh, joy.


This birthday is killing me.






Lovey, there's something
here for you.



- [exclaims]
- [squawks]

Come here, Bella.

[Poppy] Big? How big?

- Is it that new yacht
I wanted, yes?
- [gasps]

[Whit] Well, it's big,
but it's not that big.

It sure was heavy.

[Poppy] What... what is it?
Do you know?

Another present? For me?

I hope you like it.
I can't wait 'til you open it.

Oh! What?

Very funny, Whit.

Ha, ha, ha!

How could it be empty.
It was so heavy.





[rooster crows]

- Tammy?
- Barbie!

What are you doing here?

Where else would I be?

You really shouldn't
vlog about things

if you don't want people
to know what you're up to.

- [whinnies]
- [gasps]

Isn't it great, Barbie?

Tammy volunteered
to perform, too.

Yeah, great.

This is your
five-minute warning.

See you guys out there.


- [whinnies]
- [yelps]

Congratulations, Tammy.

Being in this show
is a big honor,

and I didn't even know
you rode horses.

Haven't I already proven
that anything you can do,

I can do better?

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I need to go find
a chair-thingy for my horse.

- You mean a saddle?
- Whatever.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

welcome to our annual
horse show.

And how about a big round of
applause for the newest rider,

- Tammy Bounceaway!
- Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Come on, Misty.
Let's give 'em our best.

[crowd cheering]



Next up, some jumping.




- Good luck, Tammy.
- Thanks. Not that I need it.

- [whinnies]
- Whoa!



Where's the brake pedal
on this thing?!

[crowd laughing]


[crowd laughing]

Why are they laughing?

- Hilarious.
- What a clown.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ha! Funny, right?

Follow my lead.

Ha-ha, yes! Comedy!

Aren't we so funny, right?


Time for the big finale.





[crowd cheering]


[crowd laughing]

- You OK?
- [groans]

The only thing more bruised
than my ego is my backside.

It's pretty hard
keeping up with the whole
"being Barbie" thing.

Then why do it?

There's so much about you
that's truly awesome.

You don't need to be me,
just be who you are.

[phone rings]

Hold on.

Hey, Stace? What's up?

Casey's macaw?
At the Reardon's?

Oh, boy.

That is a problem.

Well, I don't know much
about macaws, but...

They're the largest member
of the parrot family.

Also, the national bird
of Honduras.

Hang tight, Stacie.
I'll call you back.

- You know about macaws?
- Kind of an expert.

My family went through
an exotic bird phase
when I was a kid.

- What do you wanna know?
- My sisters got into
a little situation.

Can you help?


Oh. You're back
to being Tammy, I see.

You have excellent vision.

Why, Mrs. Reardon.
Is that a macaw?

[laughs] Oh, yes.

And isn't she the most
beautiful bird you've ever seen?

- [squawks]
- Eh, not really.

Her coloring is so last season.

All the best macaws
are rocking red and orange now.

- Really?
- Totally.

That blue is so well,

- Ordinary?
- She's not ordinary.

- She can talk up a storm.
- Oh, yes.

She's quite the chatty girl.

Precious, speak.

I'm a bird.

- [squawks]
- [Tammy] Kinda ho-hum.

A smart macaw can learn
over 1,000 words.

Did you know they're so loud,

their screeches can be
heard for miles?

And they can live
up to 80 years.

In the wild,
they mate for life.

So in captivity,
they become very dependent
upon their owners

for food and care
and lots of attention.

She'll never give you
a moment's rest.

Oh, did I mention they can
live over 80 years?

Eighty years?

Take it away!

Hm. If you say so.

- [squawks]
- [crying]


- Yay!
- Yeah!

Now we're even.

- [squawks]
- Thanks, Tammy.

I can't wait
to vlog about this.

It'll make me look
so heroic.

As long as you do it as Tammy,
you deserve it.

One question.

After all I did to you,
why are you still so nice to me?

It's just... who I am.

Tammy taught me that it

doesn't matter
if someone copies you.

It doesn't change who you are,

as long as you don't
let it change you.

Being yourself is just
another way of being honest,

and being honest always
works out best in the end.


Lovey, I got you
one more present.

What does it matter?

All I really wanted was another
picture of my handsome son.


For you, mumsy.

Oh, Trey!

You're so wonderfully

You take after me that way.

Come along, Whit.
You need to start planning.

Our anniversary
is nearly upon us.


[heavy crashing]


Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Season 5, Episode 7 script (2024)


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Article information

Author: Annamae Dooley

Last Updated:

Views: 5674

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.