Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (2024)

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (1)

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One of the main reasons talk radiohas become so enormously pop-ular in recent years, not just for

entertainment and conservative venting,but as a major news source, is the dismalstate of the competition. "Mainstream"news reporting, particularly on the majortelevision networks, is hopelessly liberal,hom*ogeneous, and increasingly obsessedwith the trivial and sensational. Somerecent examples:

Why "CBSThis Morning" is in Third PlaceCo-Host Harry Smith: "This morn-

ing's Big Story: The Speaker of theHouse Newt Gingrich and theRepublican majority will take onMedicare this week, hoping to cut thegrowth in spending for the program, buttheir proposed cuts are so deep theyhave the President threatening a veto...The question is, will the cuts or thereduction in spending that you all aretalking about, can you do it all withincreasing the premiums?"

Newt Gingrich: "Let me start and sayto you, I don't know how to win this dis-cussion, OK? No, no, no, it's important,it's very important, there are no cuts."

Smith: "All right, who said cuts?"Gingrich: "You just said cuts."Smith: "Reducingthe levelof spending."-Exchange on CBS This Morning,


The "VerbalBomb-Throwers"of TalkRadioAfter the Oklahoma City tragedy,

President Clinton unleashed a frenziedassault on talk radio, blaming it indirect-ly for the bombing attack. The hate-talkhasn't died down. Here's a recent exam-ple of it by reporter Ellen Hume in herSeptember 6 USA Today column: "Ourtalk radio describes a nation tuned out

to foreign realities, convinced that it haslost its freedoms to a 'feminazi' culture

and a repressive government. Theseverbal bomb-throwers encourage the

paranoid fantasies of the Una bomber onthe left and the Oklahoma Citybombers on the right."

"No Wonder She Embraced God: She's a

Ninth-Grade Dropout!"When Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe"

in the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade abor-

tion case) converted to Christianityrecently, after years as a veritable iconfor tpe abortion rights movement, hereis how the liberal press dealt with herstunning defection: "She was a ninth-grade dropout thrust at random into theheadlights of a divisive social move-ment-but she was a powerful symbol.It's no wonder, analysts say, she flippedover last week from the complex, intel-lectual ideology of the abortion rightsmovement to the security of a funda-mentalist faith dedicated to 'savingbabies.' " -Los Angeles Times staff writer

Lynn Smith, August 15

"29 Minutes" on Vince Foster's DeathPerhaps the worst television "news"

reporting of the season was the hatchetjob CBS "60 Minutes" did on one of ArtBell's recent guests, investigative jour-nalist Christopher Ruddy, the loneAmerican journalist investigating thedeath and official probes into formerWhite House lawyer Vince Foster.

Ruddy laid out the many glaringinconsistencies and contradictions in theFoster case for four hours on "Coast toCoast AM recently, only to be smearedon the October 8 "60 Minutes." Theonly problem with Mike Wallace's story,in fact, was that he basically ignored thefacts. In trying to imply that the case isclosed and that only Ruddy and a fewconspiratorial fanatics are still interestedin it, Wallace forgot to mention thatIndependent Counsel Richard Starr says

(Continued on page 13)

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Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (2)

Letters From Listeners



Saved by the Bell

Dear Art,I am 32 years old, come from a good

family, am educated, gave Navy service,and my profession is hospital laboratorytech. For several years I have sufferedfrom major depression and take pre-scribed medication, which does very lit-tle to help my illness. I see my doctorand therapist on a regular basis.

My life has seemed riddled withdespair and hopelessness. So one night,not too long ago, I was feeling verydepressed and suicidal, to the point thatI felt no reason for my life to go on. Iwent out to the garage, hung a rope overthe rafters and put a chair underneath tojump off of and hang myself. But I for-got one thing. I forgot to write a letter tomy family telling them how much I lovethem-a suicide note. So I took the ropeoff my neck, and went back inside myhouse to my room to write the letter.

To this day I don't know why I didwhat I did next, but I turned the radioon, probably just to hear from humanityfor one last time. There you were, Art,on 1500 KSTP. Before that night, I hadnever heard of you or your program.

I just sat there listening to you. Youwere so intelligent, spiritual, profession-al, and kind to your listeners. I've always

liked talk radio because I've always beenso alone, and it keeps me company. Youknow what, Art? I never did go back intothat garage.

That night your program was so inter-esting, unlike any other talk show I haveever listened to, that I decided not tokill myself. Every word I have said hereis the truth! Ever since then, I listen toyour program every night, I never missit. And ever since that night I have had arenewed interest in life. I feel better,and have not had even one thought ofsuicide. My life is progressing out of thatdark place. I have not worked in overthree years, but this coming Friday I willstart a volunteer job at a nearby hospitalto get back into the "swing of things."Hopefully, soon I will be back working


full time in my trade. But I will have towork a swing shift, so I can still listen toyour program!

Christopher DesperOakdale, Minnesota

Cat Heaven

Dear Art and Ramona,Thank you for raising over $8,000.00

for the Pahrump Humane Society. Wereceived donations from Canada and

every state where your talk show isheard.

One of the services we provide forour community is taking care of people'spets when they are hospitalized or tem-porarily too ill to care for them. We feelthis is very important as a lot of seniorslook to us for help. Some of the seniorslive alone and their only friend is theircat or dog. We are building another cat-tery with the money you raised for us.The new cattery will enable us to takecare of more unwanted cats and kit-

tens and continue helping people tokeep their pets.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,our staff, and the animals that have beenand will be helped, I thank you.

June A. FryePresident, Pahrump Humane SocietyPO Box 460, Pahrump, NV 89041

P.S. To Art's listeners and readers:We have tried to mail a personal "thank-you" to each and every person whodonated to us. Unfortunately, we hadtrouble making out a few of the address-es, so if you didn't receive a personalthank you, our apologies, because we doappreciate your help.

AFTER DARK welcomes your commentsand communications. Send letters to

AFTER DARK,c/o Chancellor BroadcastingCo., 744 E. Pine Street, Central Point,Oregon 97502, or you may FAXthem to503-664-8261. To order AFTERDARKor

Art Bell's programs on cassette, call ourtoll-free orderline at 1-800-917-4278.

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (3)

From The High Desert...


Wehave a story to tellyou-Ramona and I,that is. I normally, but not exclusively, reserve

thesepages for social-political analysis. Thisstory ispersonal-and yet, in an imponant wayit is alsopolitical. First thepersonal:

My son Art from my first marriage lives inPahrump with his mom, notfar from us, thank-

fully, so An comesover all the time to visit. Andyet, as often as we seehim, he kept a personal

pain from us, one that we onlyfound out aboutrecently-after youngAn had dealt with it.

On the air, I talked all about Art's personaladventure in resolving this pain but Ramonaand I have additional comments about this 14-

year-old "teenager"who has truly come of age.You can't blame us for being proud parents.BeforeI speak mypiece,I want you to hearfromRamona. People who have not beenpan of adivorced family often don't realize just howproud stepparentscan be.

"Model Citizen Award"

My stepson amazes me. I havewatched him grow from awkwardadolescent to a teenager wno

towers over his six-foot-one father. Since

he started high school, I've noticed amaturing nature beginning to settle in him,but he still needed something to spark hisinterest in learning. To aid in this quest wegave him an old video recorder. He was fas-cinated with it, and busily set about learn-ing how it worked, practicing making littlevideos. We were happy he took such aninterest-little did we know our boy had agrander scheme in mind.

Though he came to visit every week,we were not aware that something was real-ly troubling him. It turns out that for over ayear, Art and his mother kept finding thehouse disturbed in little ways. His momwould find small amounts of cash missing,her personal things gone through, and shealways asked young Art if he had anythingto do with it. He said he was innocent, so

she did not pursue the matter. But thestrange intrusions continued to their greatfrustration-and Arthur's embarrassment

(nobody likes to be suspected, even a little).By this time our spirited teenager was

fighting mad and wanted to catch the cul-prit. Before going to school, young Artwould secretly set up his video camera to

cover the living room and the hallwaywhere the bedrooms were. Each night hereviewed that day's tape-all eight hours!Nothing, day after day. Then one day hegot results-big results. I had stopped byhis place to drop off some things and foundhim beside himself with excitement. He

proudly announced that he had caught thethief on tape, breaking into his mother'sroom-video clear as a bell showing theguy wandering from room to room, takingwhat interested him!

The local police were stunned by youngArt's ingenuity. They confronted the thief,a 16-year-old neighbor who had in his pos-session Arthur's mother's "lost" diamond

ring. When Art and I heard the whole story,our pride knew no bounds. It was right outof Tom Swift or the Hardy Boys. With per-severance and belief in himself, young Arthad caught his thief and cleared his name.As his stepmother, I find myself thinkingthat this is now a young man who knowshow to deal with a problem the right way,who was angered by a violation, but pro-ceeded calmly and intelligently to conquerhis enemy and clear his name. Now he'sbeen given a "Model Citizens Award" bythe town.

I have watched the youth of Pahrumpfollow the lead of other American teens

with an "I don't give a damn" attitude. I'vewatched them talk back to parents, dopoorly in school, vandalize property, andbecome young cowards who would rathergo with the flow than fight against the tide.But my son is not one of them. How manyparents can say that today? Arthur, this is totell you that your father, your mother, and Iare all very proud of you and what you haveaccomplished, that we three have faith inyou and the road you choose to walk, andthat we will be there to support you onehundred percent.

With Love, Your Proud Stepmother-

Ie a-ff\,C" M--a-

Of course, this proud father wants toadd a few final comments. All decent par-ents, whether natural parents, stepparents,or parents-in-law for that matter, are over-joyed to see good character develop in theirchildren. In whatever way we can, weseek to contribute to that. But beyond


Why did I say on the show thatthis was one of the proudest

moments of my adult life? Notjust because Artis my son, butbecause I was truly inspired-

by my son.

being parents, we must do the samething as citizens by encouraging charac-ter in our culture-our larger family.

Anger at injustice (including false accu-sation or suspicion) is a hard thing to sur-vive when we let it become entrenched

bitterness. America is close to that boilingpoint right now. It seems that everywhereyou look, there's someone with a "goodreason" to be bitter.

Thank goodness there are still peoplewho look for clarity, people who are trulypeacemakers. Perhaps they can calmAmerica's political waters before it's toolate. One important attribute of these peo-ple is that they are problem solvers.

These are not people who feel helplessbefore their circ*mstances, ready to blameothers for a bad break. They are not thetype to sit in the corner licking theirwounds. Instead, they set about correctingthe injustices. These are people who makechanges for the good, and what's more,they inspire others by their example.

Why did I say on the show that this wasone of the proudest moments of my adultlife? Not just because Art is my son, butbecause I was truly inspired-by my son.Seeing these characteristics in one so younggives me more hope for the future. It's niceto be a proud father.

Thanks, Art.


Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (4)

Special Feature



~ e haunting, hypnotic music ofCusco is familiar to millions ofAmericans, since in addition to

having sold half a million albums in theU.S., the German music group's self-pro-fessed "biggest fan" is Art Bell, with aweekly radio listening audience of 8 to10 million. Art sprinkles his programs lib-erally with Cusco selections ("bumpermusic"), including the "Coast to Coast"theme song.

Called "New Age with guts" by onecritic, Cusco's music is a cross-culturalmixture of melodic flute and playful pan-pipes executed on electronic synthesiz-ers, plus indigenous folk rhythms com-bined with sophisticated electronicarrangements, all set against a tight elec-tric rhythm section. Cusco's unique mixof electronic synthesizers, rock and clas-sical influences, and South American folkmusic-inspired by group leader MichaelHolm's trip to the Peruvian Andes-isoriginal, enjoyable, and to many listen-ers, addicting.

Group leader Michael Holm says hisvisit to South America was a profound,life-changing experience for him.Indeed, it is ironic that .the tap root ofthis German music group's inspiration isancient America, as epitomized by thegroup's best-selling albums Apurimacand Apurimac II. Holm feels that thecombination of high technology, in theform of state-of-the-art electronic synthe-sizers, with the most ancient of folkrhythms and melodies, enables Cusco tocreate music that reflects the beauty andelegance of nature and of peoples thatlive close to nature.

Recently Art interviewed MichaelHolm by phone from Germany:

Art: I have been playing your music,Michael,for about two years.And the more Ihave heard of it, the more I have liked it Iseem to hear South America in it, and somany other influences. Where does theinspirationfor this musiccomefrom?

Michael: In 1978 I made a long travelaround South America, around sevenmonths. Cusco started one year after Icame back from that travel. It was such afantastic time, I liked the country, thepeople, the food, and the weather andeverything. I had the time of my life.

"It seems to me that every nowand then there is a true evolu-

tion in music. The Beatles were

an evolution in music-a bigchange. And I really believe that

Cusco is also an evolution inmusic." -Art Bell

Since I am a writer, my work reflects thistime in music. If I were a painter, Iwould paint a special picture about thistime. I hear sounds. My partner KristianSchultze and I try to create sounds. Wecome from pictures, from a vision, andwe try to translate this into music.

Art: Well, it works. I take it the influ-ence is mostly Peruvian.

Michael: There is Peruvian influence,there is also pop and rock and classic. Westarted with classical music. I played theflute as a young boy and was raised on allthe classic literature-Vivaldi, Mozartand so on. That was my background.


Art:Youhave soldabout 500,000 albumsin the u.S. Howis it goingin Europe?

Michael: We started in Europe, but inEurope and especially in Germany oursuccess is pretty small. Our first big suc-cess came in Japan, then Korea-andthen, the United States.

Art: Wow. That must make you feelstrange, that you started in the Far East.

Michael: It's a little sad, because youwork in a country, and of course you tryto be successful there and hope the peo-ple will understand and love what youcreate. But it's not the way, and I'm verygrateful to the Japanese, the Koreans,and especially the American audiencethat they like what we do.

Art: It seems to me that every now andthen there is a true evolution in music. TheBeatles were an evolution in musio-a bigchange. And I really believe that Cusco isalso an evolution in music. I believe thatmuch in your music. When will you nextbe coming to this country?

Michael: I think right around October.Art: And giving concerts?

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (5)


Michael: No, we don't give concerts.Kristian and me, we are the group, and asyou can see, it's only two people. We cre-ate the sounds, we write the songs, andwe invite other musicians to play withCusco. But we are not an existing actwho can go on stage.

Art: Where will your next albumtake you?

Michael: One day, I am going to finishApurimac, the trilogy. Up to now wehave had Apurimac I and 11.The num-ber III is focusing then on the NorthAmerican Indian. But we have to study,to read a lot about their history, like wedid with the South American Indian, andof course we have to study their music alot. But at the moment, if you believe it,I am finishing the Cusco Christmas album.

Art: Would you make sure HigherOctave Music sends me one of those rightaway, and I will play it at Christmas.

Michael: If they don't, I will send youone myself.

Art: My friend, I want to thank you, Ithink you are an evolution in music, and Idon't know what to tell you except thatI'm your world's biggest fan.

Michael: Thank you.Art: (afterinterview)Wow!God, that was

fun. I waskind of nervous.I am so in aweof

this music that, I don't know, I guess I feltlike I was just interviewing a legend-Michael Holm. This is some of the bestmusicI've everheard. I'm in lovewithit, andyou just heard from the genius that compos-es it..That wasfun, that was reallyfun.

Michael Holm lives on a 120-acreorganic farm that borders the BavarianMountains in Germany, near BMW,about 50 miles from Italy on the northside of the Alps. "It's really a paradise,"says Holm, who constructed and renovat-ed the huge old farm there. MichaelHolm reflects on his life and music:


Onhow he composes music"I'm a dedicated horse lover, and I do

horseback riding since my childhooddays, my wife also. And of course we lovenature. I'll be sitting on a horse and ridingthrough the beautiful Bavarian woods anda melody is just getting into my mind andI make it home as fast as possible. I runinto my music room to my piano, turn onthe machine, and I lay it down, veryprimitively of course, on a cassette. Afterthat I might play around with the melodya little bit, but later on I get together withKristian. He is my main arranger andsound creator, and Europe's mostrespected electronic keyboard player. Hehas a huge library of sounds. Our Cuscosounds are created specially, and we onlyuse them for Cusco."

On CUSCO'Sother half

Keyboardist and Cusco partnerKristian Schultze has a studio where hedoes all of his work. "He doesn't want togo out. He has his family of children,they are all adopted. He and his wifetake care of all these children fantastical-ly. They can't have their own children,so they decided to deliver all the caringand love they feel for children to theseadopted children. And he's a little bit of


I ~. ~ ~ ~.:!J !


a shy guy. It is easier for me to talk andcommunicate. He is a little introverted. Icall him our little Mozart."

On Apurimac"Apurimac means 'Whispers of the

Goddess.' And Apurimac is a little riverthat is one of the origins of the Amazon."(Cusco's album Apurimac I focused onthe Incas, while Apurimac II featured theancient Aztecs.)

"I read a lot about the Aztecs and theMayas and I got myself a little bit intotheir culture. Of course I can make noInca or Aztec music; I translate what Isee, the feelings that are coming out ofthose stories is what I try to translate, asevery artist does, into my music."

On the name "Cusco"

"As I traveled through South Americait was something very special and unusu-al. I experienced for the first time theseancient civilizations. In Peru, for instance,I went to Cusco, Machu Pichu, all ofthose old ruins. They blew my mind.

"Since I liked Machu Pichu and Cuscoso much-and I thought I couldn't call it'Machu Pichu'; that's not such a goodname, huh?-so I named it 'Cusco.' Andby the way, it's a catchy Inca word thatmeans 'leader of the world.' Like the

Romans thought Rome was the leader ofthe world, and every imperialistic govern-ment has thought their capital was theleader of the world, so the Incas thoughtCuscowasthe leaderof the world.".


You can order Apurimac, Apurimac II, and Cusco'slates(album, A Choral Christmas, as a package for$39.95 for CDsor $27.95 for cassettes. For the entireCusco Collection of seven albums (Apurimac,Apurimac II, Cusco 2000, Cusco 2002, Mystic Island,

Water Stories, and A Choral Christmas), the cost is

$79.95 for CDs or $59.95 for cassettes. Shipping and

handling extra. Call1-800-5-0CTAVE to order either

package by VISA, MasterCard or American Express.

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (6)


D~€AMLAND REPORTIn clCplh cxp/oltJlions of subjcclS and 9uCSlS fCillUJ'(:'d on All l~cl/'s wc'cUy rddio plo~/I<ln] "/)/l'dIJJ/al1d"

SECRETS OF "DREAMLAND"Area 51 researcher NorioHayakawatakes us on a guided tour

Norio Hayakawa is Southwest Regional

Director of the Civilian Intelligence Network, a

Los Angeles-based nationwide group of civilian

researchers, intelligence gatherers and analysts

who evaluate and exchange information on the

government's "deep black" projects and covert

operations. The network's particular emphasis

is on the activities being conducted at Area 51

(aka Groom Lake Complexesor DREAM-LAND) and Sector 4 Complexesin Nevada.Since the Summer of 1989 Hayakawa hasextensively investigated the events at the super-

secretmilitary base and has been instrnmentalin the production of several IV specials, bothJapanese and American. He has accompaniedIV crews and newspaper reporters to Groom

Lake's outerperimeters since 1990.


, , In all of my 50 years I had neverseen a UFO," recalls Art Bell."But about a year and a half ago

while my wife and I were driving home tothis quiet little valley, all of a sudden,about a mile and a quarter from home, mywife turned around and said, 'What thehell is that?!'

"I stopped the car and we both got out.There was no traffic, no other sounds-

you could hear a cricket at a quarter of amile, it was that quiet. The moon was full.

"Coming up from the rear of my carwas this gigantic triangular object, I wouldsay about 150 feet above my head andperhaps 150 feet from one point of the tri-angle to the next. It was massive, and hada flashing red light in the front and twowhite lights on the rear portion of the tri-angle. This thing passed directly over ourheads, making no noise, not even therustling of air-nothing.

"I was in the Air Force, and I know

what it takes for aerodynamic flight. Thiswas not flying, it was floating, and mywife and I watched it pass directly over

-- - -- . --

NORIO HAYAKAWA(Top) provided "After Dark" with this photo of a mysterious almond-shaped craft at a secret Lockheed

base in Helendale, California. "A radar cross-section test is being performed on top of 80 foot metallic pylon," he says.

our heads and float out right across the "Area 51," and "Groom Lake" havevalley. referred to the legendary super-secret

"The very next week there was an nexus of U.S. futuristic military tech-article in our local paper saying, oh yes nology. Located about 100 miles norththe government had some sort of secret of Las Vegas, Area 51 is a block of fed-flight that may have come over the eral land surrounded by the NevadaPahrump valley. I've still got the news- Test Site and the Nellis Air Forcepaper article, which said that it was a C- Range. Although the government130. Well, let me tell you, I've flown in doesn't even publicly acknowledge theC130s and I thought that was an insult. I existence of the large Air Force basesaw that craft..." there near the shore of Groom Lake, it

has been widely reported to beAmerica's testing ground for cutting-edge military aircraft, including the U-2, A-12, SR-71, and F-117A. Currently,it is rumored to be the testing site forProject Aurora, the Air Force's ultra-high-speed replacement for the SR-71spy plane. The airspace around thebase, known as "Dreamland" on avia-tion frequencies, is off-limits even tomost military pilots.

Secret testing facilitiesWhat's going on out there in rural

Nevada? Is the region a Mecca forextraterrestrial spacecraft, as somebelieve, or are UFO witnesses like Artand Ramona Bell rather glimpsingsuper-high technology of a home-grownvariety?

For decades, Nevada's "Dreamland,"


Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (7)

High-tech triangular aircraftArea 51 researcher Norio Hayakawa

has been interested in UFOs for three

decades, but his perspective has graduallychanged over the years to the point that,for the past 5 to 6 years, he has been

focusing primarily on secret high technol-ogy developed by the u.S. Government.In fact, says Hayakawa, what Art Bell sawwas the Manta Ray, allegedly a high-techtriangular aircraft developed by the U.S.military. "I almost fell off my couch," saysArt, "when I saw the picture of the MantaRay in Norio's videotape, because it iswhat Isaw."

Hayakawa admits he was "a disbeliev-er in the goings-on in Area 51" untilFebruary 1990 when, amidst rumors of

strange unidentified flying objects andcelestial lights in the vicinity, he led aJapanese television crew in their efforts todocument the reported sightings. "Lo andbehold, we witnessed some of the most

amazing maneuvering of strange aerialobjects," Hayakawa recalls. The govern-ment apparently didn't appreciate thepublicity, however, and Norio's seven-car

caravan was pursued for 18 minutes by amilitary helicopter outside the limits of

Area 51 as they tried to leave on Highway375 (seephoto above). The television docu-mentary subsequently produced aboutArea 51 was aired in Japan in 1990 to aviewing audience of about 30 million."The Japanese knew more about Area 51than the U.S. did," quips Hayakawa.


Vast underground networkArea 51 has been in existence since the

late '40s, Hayakawa estimates, when thegovernment allegedly moved a lot of sen-sitive aerospace and aeronautics groups torural Nevada. Although the area containsmany buildings-over 1,000, saysHayakawa-the facilities visible from the

air may be only a part of the total govern-ment complex; Hayakawa claims there isalso a vast underground network.

"The u.S. government decided that

the installations must go underground,"he explains, in response to Russian spysatellite photography of Area 51 between1968 and 1983. Facilities dealing with themost sensitive material are located "most

likely beneath the slopes of GroomMountain right near the lake," he says."In fact, the entire southwestern United

States is a massive interlink. I am not say-

HELICOPTER CHASING Norio Hayakawa and his seven-car caravan from Nevada's Area 51 in May,1991.

non-lethal weapons technology on Iraq,such as the low frequency wave emissiondevices, electromagnetic pulse generators,and possibly other so-called non-lethalsystems that can allegedly disengageenemy tanks' electrical engines from afar."

"You know," adds Art, "this soundslike science fiction, but it is not. There are

some police departments in this countrynow experimenting with electromagneticpulses so that, instead of being in high-speed car chases, they can aim a device ata car and stop its engine."

"I almost fell offmy couch," saysArt, "when I saw the picture of the

Manta Ray in Norio's videotape,because it is what I saw."

ing there are tunnels, but there are under-ground facilities as part of the COG or'Continuity of Government' program bythe National Security Agency. This hasbeen going on since the 1960s."

"There is no question," the once-skep-tical Norio Hayakawa now states, "thatthe government has had a series of amaz-ing aircraft ever since the late '80s. Thereis some incredible stuff at Area 51, all tied

in with the development of amazingweapons systems, such as the nonlethalweapon systems, hologramic projectiondevices, and manipulation and simulationtechnology."

Fake tanks and Islamic godsOn the subject of simulation technolo-

gy, Norio Hayakawa states flatly: "Don'tbelieve everything you see. The u.S hassome truly amazing hologramic image pro-jection capability," he says, some of whichhe believes was used in the Gulf War.

"We now have the technology to emit apicture of a tank or helicopter in the dis-tance where there is none. They couldeven project a hologramic three-dimen-sional image of an Islamic god into theatmosphere ."

The Gulf War, Hayakawa says, repre-sented a definite turning point in militaryweapon systems. "CNN reported onetime, and one time only, that the UnitedStates allegedly used some of the new


Simulated extraterrestrial eventLike Art Bell, Norio Hayakawa

believes some kind of BIG, earth- chang-ing event or transition is on its way. Andhe believes he knows what it will be.

"We are living in the most amazingperiod of time," says Hayakawa. "We areabout to see a series of events that could

bring about a paradigm shift in people'sthinking. This is somehow tied in withwhat I call the 'globalized society,' a bril-liantly engineered or controlled globalworld order that is to come."

"A paradigm is a new thinking process.I believe our entire thinking process willchange, as we are all being led toward anew type of atmosphere or age or way ofthinking. And this in turn is all related toso-called New Age or occult beliefs."

The worldwide broadcast of the "Alien

Autopsy" film footage last August, saysHayakawa, represents "the start of a con-

ditioning process that is being brilliantlymanipulated, I believe, by some kind ofsecret international cabal or group, for the pur-pose of bringing about the New World Order,or to implement at least the first stages."

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (8)

This conditioning process, postulatesNorio, will lead eventually to "a simulat-ed, staged extraterrestrial event" in thenext two years. "I believe that we arevery, very close." Indeed, Hayakawa'svideo, "Secrets of Dreamland," centers

around that very question: Can the govern-ment, by using advanced technology,deceivethepublic by simulating a staged extraterrestrialevent? The intent, says Hayakawa, is tosimulate an artificial threat from "the out-

side" in order to create the need, indeedthe demand, for a tightly controlled, globallygoverned society.

Is this paranoia, or is it the unpleasantshape of things to come? (Remember thesaying, "If you're not paranoid, you're notpaying attention.") Hayakawa cites thealleged 1992 statement by HenryKissinger to the effect that, todayAmericans would be outraged if U.N.troops entered Los Angeles to restoreorder, but tomorrow they will be grateful."This would be especially true," addsNorio, "if they were told that there was anoutside threat from beyond, whether re~lor promulgated, that threatens our veryexistence. Kissinger also said that the onething every man fears is the unknown."

Even Ronald Reagan, recalls Art,"made many references to, gee, what ifthere was some extraterrestrial threat that

would bring us all together?"

Earthquakes and Noah's ArkThis "conditioning process" which is

to culminate in a simulated event, saysHayakawa, has been going on since 1947,beginning with the Roswell incident. Inaddition, he says, "in 1947 the CIA cameinto existence, as well as the U.S. AirForce. Many things started happening in1947, which was one year prior to theestablishment of the State of Israel in1948. I don't think all of this is a coinci-dence."

Art Bell adds a fascinating connectionwith Israel: "In 1948, the year Israel wasestablished, there was a large earthquake.It is now thought that this earthquakeexposed on Mount Ararat (in Turkey)what later was found by U.S. satelliteimagery to be, or is thought that it may be,Noah's Ark. Currently," says Art, "thereare archaeologists on Ararat beginning theprocess of unearthing what they think isNoah's Ark."

Norio Hayakawa would not be sur-prised if Noah's Ark were discovered, par-


ticularly during these times. "I believethat we are living in prophetically themost significant period of history," saysNorio, "and perhaps some of the ancientprophecies could be realized on theirown-or, the government has the technol-ogy to simulate and produce some ofthese same things."

Uniting the worldDoes Norio Hayakawa believe in actu-

al extraterrestrial aliens and their physicalspacecraft? "Anything is possible," heconcedes, "but everything we see physi-cally may not necessarily be reality. Thisis what they are saying in the physicsdepartments of many universities.

"What is an alien, what is anangel; what is a devil? My belief isthat, unquestionably, in this world,there are entities which we don't

know about, but they are eitherbenevolent or malevolent"

-Norio Hayakawa

Material things may be a deception; inthis world there are more than just materi-al things." Are "aliens" then actuallydemonic entities, as some now believe?"We are all hung up with this terminolo-gy," says Norio. "What is an alien, what isan angel, what is a devil? My belief is that,unquestionably, in this world, there areentities which we don't know about, butthey are either benevolent or malevolent."

Basically,says Hayakawa, we now havethe technology to simulate any event. "Analien landing situation could be simulatedthrough virtual reality and other technolo-gies. Remember, the one thing that couldunite the world is an external threat or analien presence. Whether it is real or artifi-cial is not the point."

Art generally agrees with the point, butis skeptical that a cabal could accomplish*t. "There is genocide going on all overthe world. Wars continue even thoughCommunism in Russia is fading away.People continue to kill each other at a rateunheard of. Socially, economically, inevery way you can imagine, things are outof control. When we negotiate with anoth-er country, whether it be Saddam Husseinor North Korea, vye can't even agree onthe size of the negotiation table. So how


in the world would a cabal ot world lead-

ers be able to agree on doing somethinglike that?"

Norio Hayakawa answers this way:"We are living in a world in tremendousturmoil. Anybody that comes up with anidea to unify the world will definitely bewelcome. In fact, I believe deep in myheart that a person is here somewhere inthe world right now getting ready to makehis appearance as a unifying force. But Ibelieve this can happen only by somekind of supernatural influence. Otherwiseit is impossible to unify the world."

"Do you believe," asks Art, "that thisperson would be the antichrist?"

"Yes," answers Norio.

Unprecedented changesArt Bell is always expressing his

amazement that the various "intuitives,""prophets," and other guests he inter-views-some purely scientific, someChristian, some New Age, and so on-allseem to agree, despite sometimes radical-ly differing philosophical and religious ori-entations, that the earth is headed forunprecedented changes.

"I think there is definitely somethingbig coming," says Norio, "and the govern-ment knows that it's going to happen. Myresearch tells me the government will cre-ate an alternative scenario to explain awaymany earth changes and other events thatare going to take place, to calm down thepopulace. Crowd control mechanisms, youname it, it is here and now."

Surprisingly, in light of his dire view ofthe future, Norio concludes, "I am sohappy to be alive right now. We're aboutto see some of the most amazing things,so amazing that we won't regret what'sgoing to happen. But I believe that firstsome kind of a terrible period will come,no question about it. Yet we've got tohave hope, and I don't think that this issomething we should be afraid of. Everyperson has something inside, maybe aspiritual protection individually, I don'tknow, but there is something we are pro-vided with." .TO FINO OUT MORE: To order copy of Art Bell's August 27,1995 interview with Norio Hayakawa (specify program#9508270)caIl1-800-917-4278 for VISA and MasterCard

orders, or send check or money order for $20.50 to CBC,744 E. Pine St., Central Point, OR 97502. Also, Norio

Hayakawa will send you his 2-1/2 hour video "Secrets ofDreamland," along with detailed maps of Area 51, andexcerpts from the security manual of Area 51. Send moneyorder (no checks or credit cards) for $24.95 to: NorioHayakawa, P.O. Box 599, Gardena, CA 90248.

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (9)

Special ReportHALE- BO PP: Bi

"Dreamland" listeners need no

introduction to veteran paranor-mal researcher and filmmaker

Linda MoultonHowe, who gracesthe opening of each show withher on-scene reports. To balancesome of the doomsday specula-tion being generated by the dis-covery of the huge "Hale-Bopp"comet, Linda here offers world-

class expert opinion that Hale-Bopp will indeed be a spectacu-lar celestial event.. but not theend of the world.

By Linda Moulton Howe

On July 23, 1995, two amateurastronomers discovered a newcomet so big and bright that at

100 million miles beyond Jupiter its glowwas equivalent to an 11 magnitude star.Alan Hale in Cloudcroft, New Mexicoand Thomas Bopp near Stanfield,Arizona were both using 16-inch reflectortelescopes when they saw the glowingmass of ice.

Brian Marsden, world authority oncomets and Director for the CentralBureau for Astronomical Telegrams atHarvard University's SmithsonianAstrophysical Observatory, was surprised.

"It is unheard of for a comet to be vis-ible in small telescopes while so far away.Hale-Bopp could become the comet ofthe millennium as it comes in towardsthe sun over the next year or two. It'srare and large. Something this size is thekind of thing that comes to the innersolar system only every century or two."

I asked Prof. Marsden why TheLondonTelegraphnewspaper in England used thework "doomsday" in its July 30, 1995headline, "Doomsday Comet SurprisesAstronomers."

He answered that when the Telegrapharticle appeared, "we didn't know toomuch about the comet's orbit, so therewas a remote chance it could hit theearth. But we discovered an Australian

(TOP, RIGHT)Linda Howe has produced several films and books documenting paranormal phenomena.(BELOW)Mega-comet Hale-Bopp as photographed by Dave Harvey at Steward Observatory.

It will be a little fuzzy and should havequite a nice tail spreading out behind itover a large bit of the sky. It might bepossible to see it right at the beginningof 1997, or even late 1996. Hale-Boppwill reach its brightest in March andApril 1997 before crossing the earth'splane in May."

By March 1997, Hale-Bopp will bevisible with the naked eye in the north-eastern part of the sky and clearestbefore dawn. Then in the end of Marchand into April 1997, the comet will bebest seen in the evening sky just aftersunset in the northwest and will remainvisible for much of the night.

I asked Prof. Marsden about mes-

sages on the Internet from anonymoussources saying there have been coursecorrections in the comet's motion,implying an intelligence behind it.

"Somebody has some crazy idea," heanswered, "but I can imagine people aremaking wild statements like that. Theyalways do. But this is a perfectly clear-cut case of a straightforward comet. TheInternet sometimes has a lot of ratherweird conclusions people have drawn. Iknow there are a lot of weird people inEngland who have been writing tonewspapers saying that Halley's comet,which was here in 1986, is coming backsoon. I can assure you it has an orbitalrevolution of 75 years and won't be backbefore 2061. Hale-Bopp is big, movingmore than 10 miles a second, and itwould seem to me that even ice vapor-ization as it moves toward the sun won'thave much effect on its orbit."

A year ago in July 1994, cometShoemaker-Levy 9 broke up into 21pieces and plunged into Jupiter. Iasked Prof. Marsden if Hale-Bopp

'estcomet of the centur

photograph taken in April 1993 of what Ithink is this same comet when it waswell over a billion miles from the sun.When I include that position in myorbital calculation, it gives me a period ofabout 4,500 years, the last time thiscomet came through our solar system.And this time around, it won't come clos-er than 10 million miles from earth."

Prof. Marsden said a current estimate

"Hale-Bopp could becomethe comet of the millenniumas it comes in towards thesun over the next year or

two. It's rare and large." -Harvard's Brian Marsden,world authority on comets

of the comet's size is about a hundredmiles wide at the icy core with a coma ofout-flowing gas stretching a million anda half miles.

"I would say this comet has every-thing going for it to be the best comet ofthe century and maybe of a couple ofcenturies."

The irony is that Hale-Bopp mayvery well be the largest comet to comethrough the solar system for a long time,but when it crosses the earth's plane inMay 1997 it will be so far away, at least10 million miles from earth, that it won'tseem very big or bright.

"I would guess that the head of thecomet would be about as bright as thestar Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.


Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (10)

could break up."It could. That would be something.

That's one of the unpredictable things.If it were to break up, then pieces fromthe inside nucleus of the comet would

come to the surface. When exposed tosolar radiation, that ice would vaporizeand the comet would brighten evenmore."

I also wondered what effect there

would be to our planet if Hale-Bopp didbreak apart.

"No effect," Prof. Marsden said."The closest the comet will come in onebig piece or broken up is at least 10 mil-lion miles from earth."

He agreed it's remarkable that bothrare comet events should happen soclose together in time. By March 1997,those who do see Hale-Bopp will be thefirst on earth in at least 4,500 years. .

@1995 by Linda Moulton Howe. For Information aboutordering books and videos by Linda Moulton HoweProductions, call 1-800-707-9993. LInda Howe's mailingaddress Is: P.O. Box 538, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006.Fax: 215-491-9842. E-Mail: [emailprotected]




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Virtual Reality Update:BRAIN WAVIN G

In the March 1995 edition of After, Dark, vi_I «"ij,y <"!'<'tt R""ell

Wagner graphically illustrated VR'streacherous downside. Now here's

another offering from Russ, guaranteedto fry your brain cells.

In the film "TotalRecall, "was achieved byimplanting artificialmemories in people'sbrains. In reality, such aprocedure (inducing anartificial brain wave intothe humanwould be e

complicated,impossible. However, to monitor a per-son's existing brain waves, and to learnto respond to them, is a different mat-ter, says Russ.

Just as an monitor (electroen-cephalogram) registers a person's brainwaves, the designers of virtUal realitysimulations can employ technologycapable of sensing the brain patternsassociated with basic movements andfunctions of body. howWagner explains it: "Once the sensorsare hooked up, the compUter can sense

a pattern with which it is familiar, justas a voice recognition package enablesone's computer to recognize andrespond to the user's voice. So, in theVRentertainment setting, when some-body raises a hand in a defensive

motion, the computerwill be able to recognizethat the person is doingso."

Suppose, saysWagner,that you were projectedthrough VR into a fightscene in a movie. "Thecomputer would be ableto manipulate the fanta-sy opponent to respond

to what you did. This eliminates theneed for a third-party operator control-ling the action of the opponent. If thecomputer Can recognize patterns ofbrain Waves that occur in reaction to

certain stimuli (the computer can learnwhen. you're stressed, frightened or inpain), then it Can react 'appropriately'to basic functions and movements of

your body. Once that response istrained, when you pull your fist backt6strikeyour opponent, the computersimulatlonwould block.".



Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (11)






Live Monday. Friday 11 PM - 4 AM PacificPROGRAM# GUEST & TOPIC DATE HOURS

940408C Charles Duke/ Sovereignty Measure 04/08/94 2 hours940415C Laurie Toy/ Prophesies & New Age 04/15/94 3 hours940427C L.Thompson &Agent X/ Waco IV 04/27/94 5 hours940429C Mark McCandlish/ UFOs 04/29/94 5 hours

940502C LThompson/Waco V (Revolution) 05/02/94 2 hours940506C Ron Engleman/ Waco 05/06/94 3 hours940511 C Wally Kennit/ Branch Davidian 05/11/94 3 hours940520C David Aikman/ Revolution OS/20/94 3 hours

940527C Preston Nickels/ Mauntok Project OS/27/94 3 hours940607C Richard Hoagland/ Mars 06/07/94 5 hours940608C Vance Davis, GI/Ouija Predictions 06/08/94 2 hours940610C Shawn Morton/ Predictions 06/10/94 5 hours

940623C Sheriff Arpaio/ Citizens' Posse 06/23/94 2 hours940624C KevinRandell/UFO crash at Roswell06/24/94 2 hours

940630C Larry Nichols/ Clinton Chronicles 06/30/94 2 hours940715C Robert Pappalardo/Jupiter collision 07/15/94 3 hours950718C Richard Hoagland/ Jupiter collision 07/18/94 5 hours940831C Don McAlvany/ Being Prepared 08/31/94 3 hours940902C John Lear/ UFOs 09/02/94 5 hours

940907C Larry Pratt/Gun Owners of America 09/07/94 2 hours940909C Don Schmitt/The truth about Roswell09/09/94 2 hours

940912C RussWagner/Virtual Reality 09/12/94 2 hours940913C Dr Duceburg/HIV not cause of AIDS09/13/94 3 hours941003C J Wilkerson, J Vasquez/KGTV, UFO 10/03/94 2 hours941005C Wendy Dachau/ Alien abductee 10/05/94 1 hour941028C AnnuaIGhostShow/{NoGuest) 10/28/945hours

941111 C LindseyWilliams/ New Diseases 11/11/94 5 hours

941115C John Hogue/ Prophecy 11/15/94 5 hours941130C Bob Fletcher/Montana Militia 11/30/94 3 hours

941209C Richard Hoagland/Mars &Moon 12/09/94 5 hours941214C GeorgeFlint/NevadaBrothels 12/14/943hours950127C Congressman Bob Dornan 01/27/95 1 hour950210C G. M. Scallion/Quake Predictions 02/10/95 3 hours

950217C R.Winters/Meiers Case (UFOs) 02/17/95 5 hours

950303C Janet Bonney/Revived dead chicken 03/03/95 1 hour950310C Robt. Lucks/Nuclear Waste Storage 03/10/95 2 hours950317C Michael Brown/Apocalypse 03/17/95 3 hours950327C Pat Buchananpresidential candidate 03/27/95 1 hours950414C P. Davids, 1. Kirby/Aliens & UFOs 04/14/95 2 hours950418C Michael Markham/ Time Machine 04/18/95 2 hours950421C DavidThibidaux/BranchDavidian 04/21/95 2 hours

950502C Stan Palashak/ Defense Attorney 05/02/95 3 hours950505C Gordon-Michael Scallion/Prophecy 05/05/95 4 hours950511 C LindseyWilliams/ Ebola outbreak 05/11/95 4 hours

950609C Mike X/OK City bomb investigator 06/09/95 3 hours950623C Richard Hoagland/Mars, Moon 06/23/95 5 hours950821C Pat Combs/Deposited phony check 08/21/95 2 hours950904C Bob Shell/ Alien Autopsy film 09/04/95 3 hours950915C Stan Deyo/ Nat'l Disasters & UFOs 09/14/95 2 hours950916C Christopher Ruddy/ Vince Foster 09/15/95 4 hours950918C Charles Ostman/ Nano technology 09/18/95 3 hours950920C LarryWilson/ Revelations 09/20/95 2 hours950929C John Parsons/ U.S. Militias 09/29/95 1 hour

950930C Richard Hoagland/ Hale-Bopp 09/29/95 4 hours951013C Brad Steiger/ Ghosts 10/13/95 4 hours


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940619D Dr Chet Snow/ Out of body 06/19/94 3 hours940626D Dr. BruceMacabee/ UFOs 06/26/94 3 hours940703D Michael Linderman/ Aliens 07/03/94 3 hours940710D RichardHoagland/ TheMoon 07/10/94 3 hours940717D Robert Monroe/ Out of body 07/17/94 3 hours940724D JohnZajac/ Great Pyramid 07/24/94 3 hours940731 D LindaHowe/ UFOs& aliens 07/31/94 3 hours940807D ShawnMorton/ UFOs 08/07/94 3 hours940814D JohnMack/Alien abductions 08/14/943hours940821 D Dr Carla Turner/Alien abductions 08/21/94 3 hours940828D KevinRandall/ Crashat Roswell 08/28/94 3 hours

940904D Dr Goidburg/Past life regressions 09/04/94 3 hours940911D RobtWhitfield/ Planetaryphysics 09/11/94 3 hours940918D David Scotti Lifeafter death 09/18/94 3 hours940925D Rich.Boylan/ Alien abductions 09/25/94 3 hours941002D Mark Davenport/ Timetravel 10/02/94 3 hours941016D SkyAmbrose/ Alien Abductee 10/16/943 hours941023D B&AKirkwood/ St. Mary's message 10/23/94 3 hours941030D Lea Hailey/ Alien Abductee 10/30/943 hours941106D Katharina Wilson/ Alien abductee 11/06/94 3 hours941113D Jim Deardorff/ ETsand the Bible 03/27/94 3 hours941120D Dave Talbott/ Worlds in Collision 11/20/94 3 hours

941204D Randolph Winters/ ThePleidians 12/04/94 3 hours9412110 Dr.ChetSnow/Lifeafterdeath 12/11/943hours

941218D Dr. Raymond Moody/afterLife 12/18/943hours950108D Stanton Friedman/UFOs 01/08/95 3 hours950115D Rich. Sauder/Underground Bases 01/15/95 3 hours950122D Scallion & Linderman/Predictions 01/22/95 3 hours

950129D Darrel Sims/Investigator of UFOs 01/29/95 3 hours950205D Shawn Morton/Predictions 02/05/95 3 hours

950212D Dr. Goldberg/Dreams & past lives 02/12/95 3 hours950219D Peter Davenport/UFOs 02/19/953hours950226D Clifford Stone/ UFOs 02/26/95 3 hours

950305D J.W. McGinis/Tesla, the Inventor 03/05/95 3 hours950312D Michael Cremo/The Human Race 03/12/95 3 hours

950319D 1. Maxwell/Dark side of religion 03/19/95 3 hours950326D Dr.Turi/Astrology & predictions 03/26/95 3 hours950402D BillHamilton/ UFOs 04/02/95 3 hours950409D Travis Walton, Mike Rogers/aliens 04/09/95 3 hours950416D Lee & Britt Elders/ UFOs 04/16/95 3 hours

950423D TedFlynn/Catholic Prophecy 04/23/95 3 hours950430D D. Emerson/ETInfluence on Mars 04/30/95 3 hours950507D Dr.ChetSnow/Dreams of future 05/07/95 3 hours950528D Michael Lindermann/ Angels OS/28/95 3 hours950604D MelindaLeslie/Alien abductions 06/04/95 3 hours950611D GeorgeKnapp/UFOinvestigator 06/11/95 3 hours950618D John Rhodes/Human-Reptilian 06/18/95 3 hours950625D John Ronner/ Angels 06/25/95 3 hours950702D ElaineStevens/ Recalling past lives 07/02/95 3 hours950709D Greg Long/ Light & Sounds 07/09/95 3 hours950716D Dr.James Lewis/ TheAfterlife 07/16/95 3 hours950723D Parks & Moser/ Crystal Skulls 07/23/95 3 hours950730D Rich. Sauder/Underground bases 07/30/95 3 hours950806D GlennCampbell/ Area 51 08/06/95 3 hours950813D D. Sargent/Rituals, myth & magic 08/13/95 3 hours950820D Robert Morning Sky/Terra Papers 08/20/95 3 hours950827D N. Hayakawa/Dreamland Secrets 08/27/95 3 hours950903D John Anthony West/ Egyptology 09/03/95 3 hours950917D Dr. G. Holloway/Dream Interpret. 09/17/95 3 hours950924D EltonElliot/Nanotechnology 09/24/95 3 hours9510010 Dr. FrankStranges/ UFOs 1% 1/95 3 hours

951008D Brad Steiger/ Ghosts. 10/08/95 3 hours951015D F.Joseph/ Atlantis in Wisconsin 10/15/953 hours





Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (12)

Behind The Scenes


This month at the network has been

relatively quiet for a change. No huge cri-sis, no prediction of the end of the worldin the near future, and a beautiful transi-tion from summer to fall. The hum of theCBC beehive has been strong and steady.There was a slight rock to our worldwhen we found out our Los Angeles affil-iate changed from KMPC to the leg-endary KABC, breaking a thirty-five yeartradition at KABC of not taking any syn-dicated programming. That's quite a trib-ute to Art. Other notable news is thatWJR in Detroit will begin taking "Coastto Coast" and "Dreamland" in the nearfuture. WJR blasts out a giant 50,000 wattsignal on 760 khz.

In our continuing effort to make cer-tain the show keeps on going when thegoing gets tough, Art just installed hisown backup generator at his home studio.Here's how it will work. Picture a dark

. winter night out in the bitter cold of thehigh desert. The thunder will rock, light-ning bolts will arc dramatically across thesky, the rain will be pouring down inbuckets, and the lights will flicker andthe power will cut out. You'll be listeningto Art on the radio somewhere out therein America, and the first thing that you'llnotice should be nothing. That's becauseArt has a clever little device known as anuninterruptable power supply connectedto all the important broadcasting gear.This willsupplyenough juice to keep thingsgoingforapproximately thirty minutes.

On this bitter cold night you can besure that Ramona Bell will be curled upsomeplace nice and warm, and perhaps abit more tired than usual from a long dayof working and looking after Art. That'sbecause on this night, it's Ramona whomust dart out in the freezing cold, whilebeing pelted with near frozen raindrops,and with all her might, jerk the rope tostart the generator. Repeatedly of course.When it eventually fires up, a freezing,soaking wet, adrenaline-charged Ramonawill sprint back into the house, shed herwet clothes, and dive back into bedwhere she'll shiver uncontrollably for thenext half hour. Sleep will elude her forwhat will seem like an eternity. As herbody finally warms and relaxes, the roar


of the generator will keep her awake likethe sound of a rowdy party in the apart-ment upstairs. But the show will stay onthe air. Charlie Liberal will have his say.Doc Democrat will set the record straight,and four more people will discover theyare "immortals." Ramona will come downwith the flu. The show will stay on theair, and Art will sip his coffee and com-fortably tell the listeners about the bigstorm and the power failure.

All this engineering stuff is always onthe top of our minds here at CBc. I'mcertain this is the only network where theso-called "higher echelons" are totallyimmersed in the technology of radio. Ifthere's some new piece of equipment on

"The show will stay on the air.

Charlie Liberal will have his say. Doc

Democrat will set the record straight

and four more people will discover

they are 'immortals.' Ramona will

come down with the flu."

the market, you can be sure that I'll men-tion it to Art, or that he'll mention it tome. And we're not talking computergames, E-mail, or extra RAM for our PCs.We're talking radio. We live radio. Wetake the office home with us. In Art'scase the office is home and home is theoffice, so it's hard to draw the linebetween where work ends and his per-sonal life begins. Maybe for Art there isno line. I don't know for sure, but I cantell you this much. For me and for Art, ifwe go for a minute without hearing radio,we get tense. We know something iswrong. Radio must play. Even at night.Especiallyat night.

As an example of this zeal, let me tellyou what Art just did with one of BobCrane's little mini FM transmitters. Heconnected it to the output of his signal.What exactly does this mean, you ask? Isthis a big deal? Actually, it's incrediblyclever. See, Art can't hear his show on alocal Pahrump radio station because thereIsn't one. So, before he sends the show upto the heavens on its three satellite jour-ney to your local radio station, he routes it



into Bob Crane's little FM transmitter. Sohe gets a studio quality signal sent allaround his house, and anyone there canlisten in with interference-free receptionand near-perfect fidelity. Of course Artcouldn't leave the unit as it comes, operat-ing on batteries. Oh, no. He and BobCrane experimented with getting it towork on good old AC house power. WhenI ordered my unit, Art was only too happyto remind me not to forget to take it apartand add the 250 Mfd. capacitor. Whatexactly does this mean? Is this a big deal?Sure it is. Who wants studio quality soundwith a nasty hum from the AC current?The capacitor filters out the hum toplease the ears of audiophiles like ArtBell. These are neat little devices. If youwant your own, give Bob Crane a call.

Now, just because we're into radiodoesn't mean computers are beneath us.Of course not, they are great fun, and as ofthis writing we are exploring the possibili-ty of getting Art on the "World WideWeb." This is a way to access the showlive, on your personal computer. I fullyexpect someday to be able to reach intoyour monitor and actually shake handswith somebody. The technology is gettingso advanced.

For those of you who have been fol-lowing and betting on the drama of CBCvs. Ma Bell and her vicious offspring, theresults are in. I won. If you remember, lastmonth found us in the midst of the "greatphone crash." Our 800 numbers werecrashing and burning all around us whileover 30,000 people attempted to call Arteach hour of his show. Just to refresh yourmemory, after hours of conferences withthe telephone companies involved, andafter the fix was initiated, Art, our chiefengineer Brian, and I each gave our pre-dictions of how well the fix would work.Art said, Oh, it will work either prior to orafter I give out the AT&T complaintnurnbers." Brian Saylor, our ChiefEngineer's response was, "The lines willwork, until Art takes calls." Yours trulypredicted, "I think it will work."Admittedly, I was skeptical to say theleast, but there you are. As of this writing,it's been working flawlessly. And just areminder to Art and Brian. Don't forgyt

the $10,000 bet we had. IUntil next time, keep listening.. .J

Art Bell After Dark Newsletter 1995-12 - December - [PDF Document] (13)

The FBI lab found not atrace of soil on Foster's

shoes, despite a 700 foottrek through the park.

Wallace had good reasonnot to mention this.Wallace admitted to

Ruddy during their off-airinterview that he hadfound soil on his own

shoes he tested after tak-

ing the same walk whileat Fort Marcy Park.

Cover story, continued

the investigation is ongoing,and that Starrhas put famed forensic scientist HenryLee onto the case.


A few of the key elements in the "60Minutes" hatchet job:

60 MINUTES "SCOOP": Fosterwas right-handed, although Ruddy mis-takenly reported Foster was left-handedand held the gun in his right hand.

F ACT: Wallace never mentionedthat it was the Boston

Globe that first reportedFoster was left-hand-ed. It was Ruddy, infact, who first reportedaccurately that Fosterwas right-handed, afact that Ruddy told"60 Minutes" back inMarch of this year.


"SCOOP": Wallace gavegreat credence to Dr.Haut, the medical exam-iner, when he contradict-ed what Ruddy hadreported-that HaUt hadseen little blood at thedeath scene underFoster's body.

FACT: In a tape-recorded interviewwith Haut, the medical examiner toldRuddy, "There was not a hell of a lot ofblood on the ground. Most of it hadcongealed on the back of his head."Ruddy told Wallace during his inter-view that he had the tape.

Was Wallace interested in the tape,or in confronting Haut with it to askhim why he changed his story? No.Wallace didn't even confront Haut withhis statement to the FBI, which is notconsistent with the story he is now giv-ing "60 Minutes."

The amount of blood under the bodywould not be in dispute if the policehad the scene photos. But the investiga-tor who took those particular Polaroidssays they are missing, just like the3Smm film, another set of Polaroids,and the X-rays taken at the autopsy-allare missing. "60 Minutes" could haveasked what happened to this criticalevidence, but they didn't.


60 MINUTES "SCOOP": Foster's

house had just been carpeted, andcarpet fibers found on Foster's bodywere the result of his having walkedacross carpets.

FACT: Nice try. Carpet fibers ofseven different colors were found on

almost every piece of clothing, includ-ing Foster's underwear. They don't getswept up from walking across carpets,as Wallace asserted. If this importanttrace evidence could be from the Fosterhome, why weren't they matched to itby the FBI? If the fibers could be from

anywhere, as Wallacealso asserted, why con-duct the test in thefirst place?

The really crucialaspects of Ruddy'sinvestigation wereomitted by "60Minutes": Seven lead-ing forensic experts saythe powder burns onFoster's hand. areinconsistent with sui-cide; the gun found inFoster's hand wasnever positively identi-fied as being his;Foster's eyeglasseswere found 19 feetfrom his head; two wit-

nesses said they saw two men (notFoster) in and around Foster's car justbefore the police arrived; Foster's carkeys were not found on his body in thepark. Bottom line: The Park Policenever handled the case properly, andthe record shows Fiske accepted thepolice investigation at face value.

Wallace also withheld key evidencethat Foster's body was moved: The FBIlab found not a trace of soil on Foster'sshoes, despite a 700 foot trek throughthe park. Wallace had good reason notto mention this. Wallace admitted toRuddy during their off-air interviewthat he had found soil on his own shoeshe tested after taking the same walkwhile at Fort Marcy Park.

Art had Chris Ruddy on "Coast toCoast" again, after the "60 Minutes"story, allowing Ruddy to rebut. Afterdetailing most of the points presentedhere, Ruddy quipped that he and hisassociates are now renaming the CBSshow "29 Minutes-because it's nothalfofwhatit shouldbe." .



Editor-In-ChiefArt BellEditor

David Kupelian

Art DirectorDavid B.Masters

Political EditorRobert R. Just

Copy EditorDorothy Baker

Business ManagerAlan Corbeth

Contributing WritersArt Bell David KupelianAlan Corbeth John Piar

Systems ManagerBrian B. Saylor

ResearchMelanie Whalen

Pre-Press ProductionDigital Media Inc.

To order AFTER DARK,

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Send correspondence to:AFTER DARK

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Art Bell'sshow lines: Firsttime callers:

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For extra or back issues of

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Vol. 1, No.12, December 1995.

AFTER DARK @1995 is published monthly by

Chancellor Broadcasting Company,

744 E. Pine St., Central Point, OR 97502.

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Art-ifacts & Anomalies



Don'tmiss next month's in-depth examination of

~~The Quickenillg"

On viewing fUesWhileyou're loggedonto a bulletin board,can view text flies, but you cannot view

how) files, After you download a glffile, you need a.file viewet. We have several

ers for you to choose from inrfiheArtBellsection (J 11).

If you are using DOS, select either the"VPIC"viewer or the one called "2 Show." If

you use Windows,you want to use"Vlewprlnt"

Firstgo into section #4 and seiect theviewer you wa.nt.for Windows,for instance,install "Vle~print" in Windows. Then, whenyou downlalJd a "gif" file from the bulletinboard,save it' either to a test directory or atemp directory. Then transfer the fIIe(s) tothe ,IVlewprinf' directory and view it directfrom there in.Windows.

What's tI,,"passwOrd?I received.a letter today from a lady who

had registered with the BBS, butshe logged on; found out that the

s she had paid for were not avllable toher. When I researched the situation, I foundout that she had registered in a differentname! Manypeople, when they log on, forgetwhat .iJamethey have logged on with, or theyforget their password. Please, folks, whenyou register for our bulletin board, you must

hat you. want to use,alan the nameYau have already loggedon with on the BBS.Quitea few peopleforgetto send their password along; they just sendauheck and their name, but no password.

As you may know, we have been allowingArfs listeners to download one file per dayfre,e of rye (15 minutes per call). For afull hou and unlimiteddownloading

i Art Bell section of the Bulletin Board,

$10 to He77, Box 41525 Pahrump, NV

891141. Make your check or money order to

Over the. Hump BSS Systems. Include yourname and the password you want to use.

What a beautiful baUdWe have converted all of our modems to

the new Hayes Optima 28,800 baud modems

technology from Hayes.

au shoUld have very few problems tying In

t(i these modems, because they accept and

recognize virtually everything. Good luck.

Art 8ett's BUlletin Boanf Phone Number:




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Affiliate UpdateBy Julian Hudson,Director, AffiliateRelations


A big double WOW this month tofinish off the year-mag-wise. Thanksto everyone at ABC for the move inLA. from the huge KMPC to the giant790 KABC! This is a milestone in talkradio. For 35 years KABC has beenlocal talk and now they carry Artovernights. Fantastic. As if this weren'tenough for the average Art fan to cheerabout, get this: There are approximate-ly 15 or so Giant (with a capital G) classI-A 50,000 watt Clear Channel stationsthat carry talk, WOAI in San Antoniobeing one of them.

WJR 760 in Detroit is perhaps thelargest and most respected of them all,and it has just agreed to carry Art lamto Sam Central time starting inNovember. Please welcome both ofthese monster stations to Art's familyand feel free to thank them yourself ifyou are so inclined. All the latest sta-tions to join us recently are listedbelow in alphabetical order:












Farmington NMPrescott AZ

Litle Rock AR

Springfield MOCanton OH

Foley ALDetroit MI

Joplin MOJacksonville FL

Traverse City MICadillac MI

Waynesboro TN





Coming Soon:Art Bell 'Stuff!'

Stay Tuned!



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