All Of Me - Chapter 27 - AugustWriter30 (2024)

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Chapter Text Barry Iris References

Chapter Text


It’s finally here. The day I marry the woman who has occupied every thought and every single space and crevice of my heart since the day I laid eyes on her. I arrived a lot earlier than our scheduled time for our first look before the ceremony, arriving even before our photographers. My heart was beating fast as I thought of today’s events. I shoved my sweaty palms into my pocket thinking about Iris. I couldn’t wait to see her. To hold her in my arms. To kiss her sweet lips. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly, I feel a heavy hand slapping me on my shoulders and cupping my face. I opened my eyes to see my dad standing before me.


“Hey slugger! Big day today.”

I don’t understand. How are you here?

“I’m not really here, son. Just a figment of your mind. But I’m glad I’m with you today of all days.”

Yeah. Iris and I are getting married, Dad. God I wish you and Mom could be here to celebrate with us.

“Me too, son. But your mother and I are always with you.”

I know. It’s just not the same. I wish you could know Iris and Nora now. Especially Nora. You would have loved her. I mean, she’d have you wrapped around her finger like me but if you had met her you’d understand why. She’s such an amazing kid, Dad. She’s so smart and sweet and funny.

“I can imagine. And how’s Iris? How’s she coping with motherhood?”

Iris as a mom? She’s incredible. She reminds me a lot of Mom, you know. She’s incredibly patient and loving. She’s the best mom for that little girl in my mind.

“How is she as your mate?”

The best. She’s my soulmate, Dad. The love of my life. She’s the only woman for me. I’m genuinely happy when I see her. Being around her makes everything in my life instantly good, even if it had been a terrible day. There’s just something about her spirit that immediately calms me when I’m near her. It’s like I can breathe and think and feel more in her presence.

“Your mother and I knew you two would be perfect together the moment we met her. Of course your mother wanted to call you up and demand you move back to Central City right away to meet her but I told her you weren’t ready. You would have rejected the idea and fought against it like you did with Patty. We knew that woman would destroy you and break your heart but you were clouded by her charms you couldn’t see what we saw. I told your mother we couldn’t interfere. It would happen when it’s supposed to happen. Of course she didn’t like that because she wanted so badly for you and Iris to meet.”

Trust me, I’m glad I was able to get that annulment and Patty out of my life. I’m sorry it took me so long to see what you saw and tried to warn me about. I should have listened to you guys. I’ve always wondered what you and mom would have thought about me and Iris getting together. If you would approve of me dating a single mom or if you’d tell me to find someone with less “baggage”.

“Son, her being a single mom would never have been an issue with us. All we would have cared about is how she treated you. Was she capable of loving you the way you deserved to be loved? Did she treat you with kindness and respect? Was she worthy of all the love you had inside of you? If you found someone who had 10 kids but loved and treated you the way you deserved, that’s all that would have mattered to us. Seeing you, our only son happy, is all your mother and I really cared about. And we knew Iris would make you happy.”

She really does.

“I’m going to give you some advice for a long and happy marriage. At least what worked for your mom and me. Okay. Here goes. #1. Never, ever stop dating her. A lot of men think that once they’re married, they don’t have to do anything more. Don’t get lazy in showing her you love her. #2. Find out what her love language is and become an expert in it. #3. Put her first in everything you do. Even though you have a kid and maybe more in the future, make sure Iris always comes first. #4. Kiss her as often as you can and never miss an opportunity to tell her that you love her. You do those things and you’ll have an amazing marriage.”

Thanks Dad. Iris and I love you and Mom so much. And we really miss you too. Especially today.

“We’re always with you, son. When you feel a gentle breeze or hear the thunder roar and see the lightning in the skies, we’re there.”

I chuckle at that, thinking of the story I told Nora about storms.

“I love you, son. Your mother and I are both so very proud of you. You take care of our girls for us.”

And just like that he was gone. It was so surreal and yet so comforting at the same time. Knowing that my parents not only approved of Iris and I being together but wanted it to happen long before it started. Knowing that they loved her and thought she was perfect for me was so reassuring. Not that I had any doubts about Iris or marrying her. Like I’ve said to her, we were made for each other. There’s no one better for me than her.

I turned around when I heard the photographer call out, alerting me of his arrival. He was going to take a few shots of me alone before Iris got here with the other photographer. I feel relaxed and excited knowing that in a few hours, Iris would be my wife. My forever. My home. I couldn’t wait. I tried to quell the excitement building up inside of me but it was hard to do. I couldn’t stop smiling. We had just taken the last bit of photos when he informed me that Iris had arrived and would be on her way over in a few minutes.

We were set up on a bridge, over a small brook, surrounded by willow trees. Our wedding would take place not too far away in the park where we had our first bit of alone time, talking about my parents. Iris told me she considered that to be her idea of a perfect date so we’ve had quite a few of those. I closed my eyes, my hands clasped in front of me as I listened and waited for Iris to arrive. My head raised as I heard her footsteps behind me and it took everything in my power to wait until she touched me before turning around.

I took a step back as I took her in from head to toe. She was gorgeous. I mean, absolutely breathtaking. Of course she’s beautiful but this was like looking into the face of an angel the way the light was hitting her. She seemed to shine in the early afternoon light.

“Holy sh*t, love. You’re stunning. So beautiful.”

Her hands reached up to my face to wipe the tears that had fallen. Of course I cried. I was a man unashamedly and completely in love with the woman before him. The thought that she loved me just as much as I loved her and that she wanted to spend her life with me was overwhelming. I mean, she could have any other man she wanted on this earth but she chose me. The knowledge of being her choice is so humbling.

“Is it okay if I kiss you? I don’t want to mess up your makeup or anything.”

She laughed. Her laughter is a melody that plays in my heart and I will never get tired of hearing.

“You’d better kiss me. Makeup can always be reapplied.”

I pulled her into me as tight as I could press our bodies together and kissed her. In that kiss I promised to love her until my last breath and even beyond. To put her above everyone else. To be her protector and her lover for all eternity.

“God I love you so f*cking much.”

She laughed again.

“You’d better not swear in your vows. Nora will not be pleased.”

I chuckle at that.

“I won’t. I promise.”

I took her hands in mine and looked up at her.

“Wanna hear something strange that happened to me today?”

“What's that?”

“I talked to my dad. I was standing there waiting for the photographer to arrive and all of a sudden I felt his hands on my neck and shoulders. I opened my eyes and it was as if he were alive, standing right in front of me, talking to me like you and I are right now.”

“What did he say?” She asked, softly.

“He told me that they wanted to set us up the moment they met you but I probably wouldn’t have listened especially after the whole Patty thing. I had to find you myself. Discover the beauty that you are on my own to fully appreciate you. He told me to never stop loving you or showing you how much I love you and if I did so, I’d have a long, happy marriage like he and Mom did. He also said he was proud of me and to take care of you and Nora.”

She reached up and wiped my tears away again.

“Sage advice.”

“Yeah it was. Besides, I think they’d haunt me if I didn’t listen for the rest of my life.”

She giggled. “Stop. You’re so silly.”

“What? It’s true. I’d haunt my own ass if I ever hurt you.”

She looked up at me and held my gaze. Her hands caressed my face and she smiled.

“I’m not worried at all about that because I know you never will.”

f*ck! The confidence this woman had in me always made me want to prove her right. To prove to her that I’m worthy of her space and time. Worthy of her words and touch. Worthy of her body and her sex. Worthy of her love.

I leaned in and kissed her.

“You’re right. I won’t ever hurt you because doing so would be hurting myself. And I love you too much to ever be the cause of your smile fading. I want to be your hero, everyday of your life.”

We were interrupted by our wedding coordinator before she could respond. We needed to get back to our respective parties so that we could get married.

“I love you. See you soon, Mr. Allen.”

“I love you too.”

I kissed her and watched as she walked away. I couldn’t wait to see her again as my wife.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, raising my fingers to my lips. I can still feel his lips on mine. God I just want to kiss him again. But that’ll have to wait a little while longer. We just had our first look and although I was initially on the fence about doing it, I’m glad I did. I needed to see him before our wedding. I have him hold me in his arms. To feel his body close to mine. To hear his voice. To kiss his lips. It brings a smile to my face. The fact that he asked if he could kiss me. How can one man be so sweet? He always has been. I’m so lucky to have met him. To be loved and protected by him. To know that no matter what, he’s in my corner, cheering me on or holding me up. To know that he loves me just for me. That he sees me as beautiful and tells me everyday that I am. After Eddie, I didn’t think I’d ever find someone like Barry who isn’t in the least phased by my scar. I’m slowly coming to see it through his eyes as a badge of courage.

I can’t wait to have kids with him. He’s already proven to be such an amazing father. To know that my daughter will have him as the primary male role model in her life is nothing short of a blessing. He’s raised the bar so high that she won’t ever accept being treated the way I was because her Papa won’t stand for it.

I didn’t get to fully take him in, I was just so excited to touch and kiss him. I ask for the time. It’s 2:11. An hour and a half has already gone and now we’re down to 39 minutes until the start of our wedding. The next few minutes are rushed. My makeup gets touched up again and my flowers are shoved into my hands. I look over to Nora and she seems to be a little overwhelmed with everything going on.

“Hey Lin. Can I get a moment alone with Nora?”

“Of course. We’re a little ahead of schedule so that’s fine.”

She ushered everyone except the photographer out and I pulled up Nora to sit with me.

“Hi baby girl. How are you feeling right now?”

“I’m okay, Mama. I’m ‘cited!”

“It is a pretty exciting day, huh?”

“Yeah. Papa’s gonna be you husbum today.”

“Yes he is.”

“Grammie says you get to change you name to Papa’s?”

“Well I’ve decided I’m not going to really change my name to his but I’m going to add his name at the end of mine. Papa’s full name is Barry Allen. So after we get married, instead of my name being Iris West, I’ll now be Iris West-Allen. What do you think about that?”

She frowned and looked at me.

“So you name will be Iris West-Allen. Papa’s name is Barry Allen and I’m Nora West?”

I smile as she says our names. She's worked really hard in getting the "r" sounds properly.

“That’s right.”

“I want Papa’s name too.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I want my name to be Nora West-Allen.”



“Okay then Nora West-Allen. We’ll have to ask Papa if that would be okay with him but I’m sure he’d love that.”


“Mama, Grammie also said you and Papa take honey to the moon? Why you do that?”

I hear the photographer chuckle at her question. I smile as I reach out and caress her sweet innocent face.

“It’s called a honeymoon, sweet pea. And we don’t take honey to the moon. It’s just a fancy name that people give the trip that a couple take shortly after their wedding. It’s just a time where they get to spend their first few days, just the two of them.”

“Oh. Is that why I’m sleeping over at Grammie’s house?”

“Yes it is.”

“She said I get to sleep in you old room, Mama. And she said we gonna have pizza and make lots and lots of cookies and eat ice cream for breakfast.”

“Did she now?”


I sigh. My mother is crazy for that but she’s the one who will have to deal with a hyper Nora so who am I to judge?

“Hey baby girl. You know I love you big big, right?”

“Yeah Mama. I love you big big too.”

I savour the moment as she throws her arms around me and hugs me tight. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of holding her in my arms. A knock on the door indicates that it was time for a wedding to happen.

“I guess it’s time for a wedding! You ready baby girl?”

“Wedding time!”

She scurried off to meet up with Mia and Linda, as Mom slipped into the room and shut the door behind her. She stood there taking me in for a moment, her hands clasped in front of her, a glimmer of tears in her eyes.

“Oh honey. You look beautiful. Such a gorgeous bride.”

“Thanks Mom.”

“You know, there were a couple of times when you were younger that I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to see this day. You had a few close calls where we thought we were going to lose you but you were a fighter. You fought to stay alive. And I’m so, so proud of you, honey. You’ve grown into the kind of woman that I always hoped you’d be. Beautiful on the inside and outside. Barry is a lucky man to have your heart. You're a kind, honest and caring woman. You’re an incredible mom and after today, you’re going to be an incredible wife. I just want you to know that.”

I pull her into an embrace. I’m so glad she’s here with me today to walk me down the aisle. To think that five years ago things were so broken between us and reconciliation seemed so impossible. I’m thrilled she’s here to see me get married.

“Thanks Mom. I’m glad we’re both here today.”

She dabbed my face with a tissue to dry my tears and brought her head to mine, resting it there for a moment. I closed my eyes, enjoying the stillness and beauty of that moment. I feel Nora’s presence near me. It’s almost like she has her arms around us both and for the first time I feel a peace when I think of her, knowing that she’s here with me today. Knowing that she and Henry had already given their blessing in my union with Barry. For the first time there isn’t a hollow hole in my heart. I feel so full of love from my mother and my mother-in-law. Love for my beautiful daughter who today will witness the legal union of her father and I. Love for my best friend who has stood beside me through thick and thin. Love for my cousin Mia who always had my back even when it would have been easier for her to not bother with me. But most of all, I’m full of love for the man who has shown me the meaning of love in more ways than I ever thought possible. A man who loves me…all of me from the inside out. A man who is not afraid to share his doubts and fears with me. A man who will stop at nothing to protect me and my daughter. A man who I can’t wait to call my husband.

“Okay. Let’s get you married.”

All Of Me - Chapter 27 - AugustWriter30 (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.